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CSS Navigation Rollovers With Drop-downs

Views 20606   downloads 4521   Menu & Navigation

This post is a continuation of Super Fantastic CSS Navigation Image Rollovers where we created CSS rollovers with a single image, so it would probably be a good idea for you to take a look at that post…


Simple CSS vertical menus

Views 25175   downloads 3593   Menu & Navigation

Our menus are actually HTML unordered list elements <ul> styled using CSS, giving them background color, margin, padding and other CSS attributives. The process of creating this menus can be separated…


jQuery Sliding Tab Menu for Sidebar

Views 12681   downloads 2578   Tabs

a sliding tab menu for your sidebar by using jQuery and jQuery.scrollTo. We will be using a famous plugin called jQuery.scrollTo. jQuery scrollTo is an amazing plugin and doing sliding menu has never…


jQuery Rollover Nav Bar

Views 8730   downloads 1574   Menu & Navigation

Here’s a simple jquery nav bar with animated rollover effects. The page titles roll up to reveal page descriptions underneath.  Here’s the jQuery, hover.js: $(function() { var navButtons…


CSS Star Rating System

Views 20999   downloads 3787   Rating & Star Rating

I have ploughed through several pure CSS star rating systems, only to find that many use either unnecessarily large images (defining every state) or bloated mark-up in both HTML and CSS. Below I have…


CSS Overlapping Tabbed Navigation

Views 14388   downloads 2467   Menu & Navigation

Overlapping tabbed navigation in CSS have always been a nuisance with developers often running into cross-browser compatibility issues or bloated code. There are some other examples floating around the…


Using the Wonderful jFlow Plugin JQuery

Views 10890   downloads 1968   Slideshow & Scroller

Download The Plugin As always with a new plugin, the first step is to visit the creator’s website and download the plugin. All that you’ll need is a tiny Javascript file – and of course…


jQuery Multimedia Portfolio (multi-format carousel for jQuery)

Views 13861   downloads 1743   Slideshow & Scroller

This plugin for jQuery will automatically detect the extension of each media and apply the adapted player. call <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/multimedia-portfolio.css" type="text/css" media="screen"…


DOMTab - Navigation tabs with CSS and DOMscripting

Views 9866   downloads 1903   Tabs

DOMtab is a JavaScript that turns a list of links connected to content sections into a tab interface. The script removes any "back to top" links in the section and automatically hides all but the first…


Vertical Scrolling News Ticker With jQuery jCarouse

Views 79997   downloads 17608   Slideshow & Scroller

News Ticker is a fantastic way to present headlines or minor updates to your readers. The smooth scrolling effect will attract your readers and generate more clicks to your site. This is a simple yet…


jQuery Lumebox lightbox

Views 9788   downloads 1743   Lightbox & Dialog & Overlay

This is an alternative lightbox script for jQuery which can parse the RSS of the post or page of your blog then displays images inside them (off course only with specific image group you defined). The…


jQuery FormLabels Plugin

Views 15227   downloads 2592   Form

The idea of using captions on form input boxes is not new, but all previous methods of providing this functionality have a few disadvantages. The jQuery FormLabels Plugin is a result of working with hundreds…


JQuery.iviewer: zoom image and to drag effect

Views 24466   downloads 3462   Image Effects

JQuery.iviewer is a jquery plugin used to load and view image in container with ability to zoom image and to drag it with mouse in container. Plugin is expected to work in ie6+, ff2+, google chrome, opera…


Tablesorter jQuery

Views 12448   downloads 2648   Table

tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data…


Drag and drop HTML5

Views 13703   downloads 1824   HTML5

As we have mentioned in some of our previous articles & tutorials HTML 5 offers designers, developers and people in general a much richer experience, we are still just scraping the surface of the…