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jQuery customizable checkboxes and radio buttons

Views 12369   downloads 2790   Form

Features Identical inputs across different browsers and devices — both desktop and mobile Touch devices support — iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone Keyboard accessible inputs —…


jQuery pretty Checkboxes form

Views 10596   downloads 2385   Form

This script is for people who wants to have a consistent look for checkboxes across browser or those who simply want them to look better. By using this script you wont loose any of the regular inputs…


beautiful Radio, check button with Forms

Views 15713   downloads 4323   Form

What's Ideal Forms: Ideal Forms is a small framework to build powerful and beautiful online forms. It's very easy to use and requires minimal html syntax. Absolutely everything is stylable with…


Checkbox and Radio control with jQuery

Views 11218   downloads 3148   Form

In web development/design, there’re a lot of time you want to customize HTML controls. Some controls are actually quite simple to implement. I will show you how to customize a checkbox/radiobox.…


jQuery Disabled labels plugin

Views 6914   downloads 1894   Form

To better distinguish at a glance which inputs are disabled/enabled, I've chosen to style the labels of disabled inputs with a faint gray color. HTML The difference in HTML is a small one. The first example…


CSS and jQuery Custom Checkbox and Radio Button Inputs Styled

Views 48213   downloads 8898   Form

Styling checkbox and radio button inputs to match a custom design is nearly impossible because neither reliably supports basic CSS, like background colors or images; it's even a challenge to get the margins…


jQuery Pretty checkboxes

Views 13545   downloads 2987   Form

The checkboxes are still there, but we won’t be clicking them. The checking/unchecking will handled by the “Select” and “Cancel” links within each list item. Each list item…


Table Row Checkbox Toggle jQuery plugin

Views 17342   downloads 3218   Table

It generically adds the toggle function to any table rows you specify based on the css class names. It will by default toggle any checkboxes within the table row. However, you can manually exclude checkboxes…


jQuery : Checkbox & Table

Views 20680   downloads 3553   Form

Today’s code snippet is how to automagically check/uncheck checkbox element by clicking a single row of a table using jQuery. Firstly we add click event on the table’s row, it will help us…


Geogoer vChecks - easy checkboxes jQuery plugin

Views 14642   downloads 2752   Form

Style your form checkboxes easily. It's version 1.0, we will upload more our cool stuff in future. [removed] $(function(){ $("#custom_list").vchecks(); }); Html code: <ul id="custom_list" style="width:…


jQuery UI: Radiobutton- und Checkbox-Replacement

Views 15925   downloads 2241   Form

Eine gerne durchgeführte Aufgabe ist es, die in manchen Browsern recht hässlichen Checkboxen und Radiobuttons durch schönere, dem Design angepasste Eingabeelemente zu ersetzen. UI-Widget-Factory…