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simple jQuery Fading Background Color

Views 18405   downloads 1799   Image Effects

we would like to experience with you another effect that is widely used these days, the Background Color Fading effect on hover. We’ll have a block of content that when the mouse moves over the…


accordion menu with jquery

Views 23530   downloads 4929   Accordion

In this post, you’ll see two examples of accordion. First menu’s visibility get’s toggled on clicking on the header while the another menu’s visibility get’s toogled when…


jQuery fading header effect

Views 17008   downloads 2519   Image Effects

The HTML and CSS The HTML is very straight forward. We have a h1 element with a link inside of it. We’re going to hook our Javascript onto our header (or whichever element we want to add this effect…


Yoyo hover effect jQuery and CSS3

Views 12604   downloads 2275   Image Effects

Haven’t you ever just wanted a yoyo on your webpage? A beautiful, animated, spinning yoyo that slides down like a real yoyo would? The HTML There is very little HTML markup, so it is pretty easy…


CSS and Jquery: an Image Slider

Views 15252   downloads 2643   Image Effects

Basically you are going to create a jquery effect. When a holder is hovered over the top image slides down to reveal the image underneath. I will also explain how to use position absolute to float an…


WanderWall – A jQuery, CSS3 & HTML5 Hover-Based Interface

Views 19832   downloads 2384   Slideshow & Scroller

We'LLgoing to teach you how to create a useful hover-based user interface using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and @font-face. Why a hover-based interface? you might ask. Well, with the popularity of touch-based…


HoverAttribute jQuery plugin

Views 11054   downloads 2290   Text & Link Effects

HoverAttribute is a jQuery plugin that allows you to make (link-)elements more dynamic by making an attribute of that element show up on hovering. This is foremost intended for <a> tags residing…


jQuery Mouse Events

Views 13953   downloads 2563   Tooltips

HTML For us to make a tooltip we’re going to have some links to work with, and a container for our tooltip.  There is nothing too special here.  I placed the links in a header tag just…


Hover Accordion jQuery

Views 33888   downloads 5828   Accordion

A jQuery Plugin for no-click two-level menus (or whatever else you want to do with it) Introduction This is yet another accordion script, except you don't have to click to open one item, you just move…


Sexy Images jQuery Plugin

Views 17977   downloads 2457   Image Effects

This plugin allows you to create sexy hover effect for images on your page ;) Requried: jQuery 1.3+ Test with following browsers: Opera 10.0+ Mozilla Firefox 3.0+ Google Chrome 3.0.195 Safari 3.1+ (win)…


Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery

Views 19184   downloads 4198   Layout & Interface

This is a rising hover effect to a set of icon links. Using jQuery’s animate effect, we experimented with icons that have reflections and others with shadows. The HTML and CSS are both straightforward…