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Animate Curtains Opening with jQuery

Views 30564   downloads 5451   Image Effects

Step 1 – What You’ll Need This example would not be anything special without the graphics, so let’s make sure you’ve got those under control. I’ve included the ones used…


Threadless Style T-Shirt Gallery jQuery

Views 9967   downloads 1907   Image Effects

The Basic Idea Here’s the gist: There’s a thumbnail which is a full sized image in a container div, which is smaller than the full sized image. The image is centered within it, but doesn’t…


Twitter-like dynamic character count for textareas jQuery

Views 7288   downloads 1884   Form

The best way to explain what this plugin does is to mention Twitter. Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters. While typing the Twitter post there is this always present information about how many…


jQuery style menu with CSS3

Views 14380   downloads 3375   Menu & Navigation

Here’s a quick experiment I did with CSS3. Again I was just mucking about with CSS3 transitions which could one day replace all the fancy jQuery animation tricks people use. The outcome was a really…


Pure CSS3 Sliding Image Gallery

Views 16058   downloads 2616   Slideshow & Scroller

So, another random CSS3 experiment! This time it’s an image gallery that has a slide effect. This was a bit tricky to work out but I got there in the end. The idea is to get one image to slide in…


Cross Browser Pure CSS3 Horizontal Accordion

Views 23550   downloads 3333   Accordion

You can add other CSS3 features like gradients, font-face, etc to enhance it further. Our accordion will degrade to an unordered list in IE6 (which will be completely untouched by our CSS). You can use…


Sweet tabbed navigation using CSS3

Views 13213   downloads 3269   Tabs

This example takes on the following CSS(3) properties: rgba opacity text-shadow pseudo selectors rounded corners gradients box-shadow HTML Before we do anything fancy with CSS, we'll need a decent backbone…


Animated CSS3 Horizontal Menu

Views 12570   downloads 2417   Menu & Navigation

Inspired by CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time from A List Apart and Using jQuery for Background Image Animations written over a year ago, I decided to create a short tutorial about a animated…


a Bubble Coda Style with CSS3 menu tootips

Views 7582   downloads 2310   Menu & Navigation

we are going to create a tooltip using the famous coda style, which allows for an animated pop-up window that makes for a great effect. HTML First, we create our HTML file and inside the body tag we add…


a Dynamic Stack of Index Cards(CSS3)

Views 15892   downloads 4620   Image Effects

We will create a dynamic stack of index cards solely with HTML and CSS3 and use such CSS3 features as transform and transition (for the dynamic effects) and @font-face, box-shadow and border-radius (for…


Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery

Views 13490   downloads 2571   Tooltips

This is a fixed panel, on the bottom of the page, to improve interaction with our users. So a panel with social icons and their tooltip bubbles on the left side and a quick menu on the right. Some features…


Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3

Views 17113   downloads 2774   Menu & Navigation

we learned how to realize a nice 3D ribbon and how to play with the drop shadow in Photoshop to simulate depth in a web design layout. This is a widespread trends in recent web design: creating a 3D perception…


Slideshow(Mootools 1.2)

Views 10629   downloads 2017   Slideshow & Scroller

Slideshow is a javascript class for Mootools 1.2 to stream and animate the presentation of images on your website. Slideshow is the result of many trials in code attempting to create a javascript class…


SmoothGallery 2.1

Views 13511   downloads 2332   Slideshow & Scroller

First step: Install it. Just insert those lines of code in the header of your html files: 1.Include those lines in your header: <script src="scripts/mootools.v1.11.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script…


unique Gallery by using z-index and jQuery

Views 11461   downloads 2371   Image Effects

we will combine the CSS property ‘z-index’ and the power of jQuery to create a unique gallery which have a appearance of a pile of pictures. In this example we have the appearance of a pile…