Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs with some extra features
Features Beyond the standard tabs functionality: Change tabs on mouse over Use animation effect for tabs' changing Ability to use either href or alt attribute to target tab Support of trigger events…

jQuery Responsive Tabs/accordion - The tabs transform to an accordion when window resize
This jQuery plugin provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. Features Tabs transform to accordion based on breakpoint Uses javascript…

jQuery browser follows Scroll Path
jQuery Scroll Path is a plugin that lets you define your own custom scroll path. What this means exactly is best understood by checking out the demo. The plugin uses canvas flavored syntax for drawing…

Nice CSS3 beveled corners tabs
We’ll shoe you how to create some good looking CSS3 tabs with beveled corners. We’ll do that using a clever CSS3 gradients technique. The idea A while ago I read this wonderful article by…

jQuery slide tab system
Ben Bodien and Marc Roberts, co-founders of Neutron Creations, explain how to build a simple, semantically clean and extensible jQuery tab system To power our tabbed navigation, we’ll be using and…

Cool CSS3 and jQuery folder tabs
The markup is self explanatory. While the title attributes might seem to be extra, in this case they are needed for the jQuery stuff. <ul id="tabs"> <li><a href="#"…

jQuery Vertical Tabs Plugin
jQuery plugin for Vertical Tabs . There are 3 steps to (almost) every jQuery plugin: the HTML, the CSS and the JavaScript code. Step 1. The HTML <div id="vtab"> <ul> <li class="home"></li>…

jQuery Tabs Highlighter Effect
Keyboard Navigation (arrowkeys + ESC) Highly Customizable Autoplay Todo Accessible Todo Cross Browser Compatibility Usage: <head> <!-- Load and Configure jQuery Highlighter --> <link href="lib/jquery.highlighter.css"…

crossbrowser tabs Drop-down menu with CSS3 and jQuery
This is a dropdown menu with parental tabs (as first level). Part of the work we pass on to the shoulders of jQuery (switching tabs, display popups). In the current version – we have three levels…

jQuery and CSS3 Round Out Borders Tabs
Rounded corners are now trivially easy to achieve via border-radius. But that only allows us to cut into the shape. What if we want to connect a shape to another with a rounded outward corner. Clean HTML…

mini accordion and news scroll ticker with jQuery
This widget-esq script is at once both a news ticker and a mini accordion. It takes a config file of data (headlines, image SRCs, URLs etc) and paginates your headlines into folds. It will optionally…

Good Tabbed Slider with jQuery
this demo as a “standalone” slider – meaning it’ll essentially be the only element on the page that we create… but using just a few extra steps after the fact, you should…

Stylish Tabs Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery
it in Safari 5.0.2, Chrome 6.0.472.62 and Firefox 3.6.3 it displayed ok in all 3 browsers (Mac OS X 10.6.4) all the effects rendered fine.in Opera the tabs don't render, but the layout is…

Awesome jQuery tabSwitch slideshow
tabSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery. You could make a tab box system with the least of code and still fully customizable. Currently, you could choose from 7 different effects with 2 view styles.…

css3 JQuery Animated Tabs
Tabs is used for utilizing space and keep some stylish effects on website. jQuery tabs are very popular and it created some fancy look on web pages. I created a simple in use but a fancy looking jquery…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu