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Lightweight jQuery table sorter plugin

Views 5394   downloads 1559   Table

JQuery Sortr A smart, minimal, clean jQuery table sorter that autodetects most content. Usage $("#my_table").sortr(); Options Column Detection & Default Direction Sortr detects the content…


SlimTable - jQuery plugin for creates sortable table

Views 9402   downloads 3158   Table

  SlimTable SlimTable is a plugin for jQuery, which creates sortable and pageable tables from existing table data. Plugin is quite lightweight, as it only takes 4kB when minified (2kB gzipped). Official…


SortedList is a jQuery plugin to sort a list of DOM elements (table li)

Views 4235   downloads 1171   Table

SortedList is a jQuery plugin to sort a list of DOM elements the way you want. Think about LI, TR, OPTION and even DIVS. Sorting with table rows Click on the table header to sort on that column, a second…


jQuery nice Filterable plugin

Views 10888   downloads 2451   Table

Bootstrap and X-editable themed jQuery plugin that preforms per-column filtering for an HTML table. Options   ignoreColumns Column indexes to not make filterable Type: Array…


jQuery Useful freeze header row in table plugin

Views 11198   downloads 2837   Table

This is a simple jquery plugin to header row scrolling in html table. Installation   Include script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else): <script…


Useful jQuery Resizable table columns

Views 11666   downloads 2025   Table

Resizable table columns for jQuery.  New and Improved! Now tested and working on Chrome & Firefox (Mac + Windows), and IE 9 + 10. Other browsers might work too, just haven't had time…


Very beautiful CSS3 Pricing Tables effect

Views 17430   downloads 5691   Table

we’ll learn how to code and style some CSS3 pricing tables from the Impressionist UI, made by Vladimir Kudinov. All said, let’s start the coding… Step 1 – HTML We will create…


rounded corners CSS3 tables

Views 24149   downloads 6941   Table

There has been some discussion in the past about how/when to use tables in web development. Though, the conclusion is the same: when you’re dealing with tabular data, tables are absolutely required.…


Pure CSS3 Animation Pricing Table

Views 26144   downloads 5479   Table

This demo will show you how to create this pricing table with the CSS scaling effects, The HTML The HTML for the table is in fact not a table this can easily be done by using a table but I prefer not…


Fixed Headers Scrolling Tables With jQuery

Views 40472   downloads 7298   Table

the scrolling tables with fixed headers. and will take the exercise a step further by creating a jQuery plugin to keep the code contained in one location and allow users to call the "chromatable()"…


useful Table with CSS3

Views 19089   downloads 4862   Table

The goal was to have a cross browser compatible version that looked good in Chrome, Firefox, IE8, IE7, and IE6. Internet Explorer doesn’t support CSS3 rounded corners, gradients, or shadows, but…


Pure CSS3 Feature table design

Views 15788   downloads 3217   Table

The idea of building a features table just by using CSS3 came to our a while ago and we decided to share it with you in this article. The HTML markup Below you can find the abbreviated HTML: <table…


Simple jQuery Table Highlighter

Views 9026   downloads 2233   Table

This Table Highlighter is so faster and handle larger datasets , it’s pretty straight forward to use. All you have to do is include the jQuery and the plugin file: <script src=''…


Useful jQuery tableHover

Views 11595   downloads 2578   Table

jQuery plugin to highlight table rows and columns when hovering over them. It features different styles for row and column highlighting and fixing the highlight when a user clicks inside a cell. License:…


Cool Drag and Drop table content

Views 34121   downloads 5689   Table

Content of HTML table cells can be dragged to another table cell or another table. It isn't difficult to define onMouseMove handler and change top / left element styles to move the object. In case with…