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JQuery Box Lid Menu in action by hovering your mouse over the menu bar on the left

Views 17937   downloads 4012   Menu & Navigation

You can see the Box Lid Menu in action by hovering your mouse over the menu bar on the left. Installation First, include the stylesheet and javascript as follows: <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'…


Using jQuery and CSS to Create Buttons

Views 20666   downloads 2425   Buttons & Icons

A website that has an original look stands out from the rest. CSS buttons therefore are important. Perhaps they are even trivial to implement using basic CSS and jQuery events. However, creating any high-quality…


Around a circle menu with jQuery

Views 13603   downloads 2678  

When ordering lists you will often find that topics come to a full circle; the first item is very similar to the last one. In these cases a better visual representation would be ordering them around a…


Awesome jQuery and CSS3 Interactive menu

Views 52650   downloads 11380   Menu & Navigation

This example will tell you how to create an interactive menu using CSS3 goodness and jQuery’s power. The idea The idea behind this example was to have some nicely arranged blocks and once you click…


Useful CSS3 animation and transitions with jQuery

Views 12500   downloads 2492   Layout & Interface

CSS3 transitions alone don’t always quite cut it. We can use a little help from jQuery to get better control over them and push them just a bit further. Val Head shows us how CSS animation and transitions…


Transparent Top Bar Navigation with CSS3 and jQuery

Views 19563   downloads 3541   Menu & Navigation

Here is a very nice top navigation bar for your website. It uses CSS3 & jQuery to give a nice looking aero gradient & transparency effect. The CSS The CSS uses some of the new CSS3 features such…


awesome Wheel Menu with CSS3

Views 38489   downloads 7390   Menu & Navigation

There’s no better way to learn CSS3 than to get your hands dirty on an actual project and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m going to teach you how to create an awesome,…


Pure CSS3 Feature table design

Views 15788   downloads 3217   Table

The idea of building a features table just by using CSS3 came to our a while ago and we decided to share it with you in this article. The HTML markup Below you can find the abbreviated HTML: <table…


Useful dropdown menu with CSS3 jQuery

Views 28675   downloads 9812   Menu & Navigation

This CSS dropdown menu, without any additional Javascript code. There are no images used and, as usual, minimal HTML markup. HTML structure As you can see in the following lines, the HTML structure does…


Multicolor tooltips CSS3

Views 15285   downloads 4097   Tooltips

If your icon or button has insufficient text or none at all, or it just needs some additional explanation, then you surely need a tooltip for it. Why’s that? Because, as they have proved till now,…


3D Awesome Buttons with CSS3 & jQuery

Views 14381   downloads 2149   Buttons & Icons

It's not support IE.There is no doubt that websites are edging more and more into the web app, or interactive arena, rather than the static websites that most of us began with. As links and buttons are…


jQuery CSS3 Overlap that Menu

Views 13367   downloads 2117   Menu & Navigation

If you have ever wanted to do something a bit different with your main navigation, how about having your items overlap each other? Using position: absolute; on our links allows us to do this. The first…


a Vertical Scrolling Menu with CSS3 and jQuery

Views 35998   downloads 5016   Menu & Navigation

Creating markup We will begin by creating the necessary HTML structure. At first, I wanted to use an unordered list as a container for our images and captions, but then I encountered some bugs with vertical…


CSS3 and jQuery Horizontal images Scrolling Menu

Views 31435   downloads 3829   Menu & Navigation

There are a lot of cool flash scrolling menus out there, but I decided to make a similarly looking menu with just CSS and jQuery. I couldn't achieve the same smoothness in animation, but anyway I'm…


jQuery style menu with CSS3

Views 14511   downloads 3426   Menu & Navigation

Here’s a quick experiment I did with CSS3. Again I was just mucking about with CSS3 transitions which could one day replace all the fancy jQuery animation tricks people use. The outcome was a really…