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jQuery and CSS3 Vertical Menu effect

Views 21129   downloads 4332   Menu & Navigation

we'll going to show you how to create a simple, but very stylish vertical menu using some CSS3, a bit of jQuery. The mobile devices revolution which is currently happening is changing the way we see…


CSS3 and jQuery Blur Menu

Views 17647   downloads 3693   Menu & Navigation

In this experiment will show you how to achieve a simple blur effect applied on menu elements. HTML The first step is to lay down the HTML markup. Our structure is very simple. <div class="menu">…


Scroll Links Box Navigation Menu-BoxyMenu

Views 2584   downloads 453   Menu & Navigation

BoxyMenu is a simple and fast navigation menu plugin that renders smoothly in all major web browsers. It is simple to customize and can be plugged in to any website or web application. BoxyMenu Parameters…


Very Nice Minimit Gallery Plugin With jQuery

Views 19142   downloads 3944   Slideshow & Scroller

Minimit Gallery is a highly customizable Jquery plugin that does galleries, slideshows, carousels, slides… pratically everything that has multiple states. Using Minimit Gallery you have more time…


One Page scroll Navigation with jQuery Plugin

Views 39959   downloads 7655   Menu & Navigation

there have a freelance project where a one-page site makes sense, The Markup there with an unordered list for the navigation and a bunch of sections: <ul id="nav"> <li class="current"><a…


Navigation bar on the right of the page with jQuery

Views 19013   downloads 2952   Menu & Navigation

Flexible Nav is a small jQuery library which add a smart navigation bar on the right of the page. It improves a web page navigation and helps to visualize different sections of a document, an article,..…


Awesome Right Click Menu with jQuery

Views 13407   downloads 2596   Menu & Navigation

Here is the small tutorial for you. Step 1 :- Write the HTML coding of your page. <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript">//…


Swing slide menu with jQuery

Views 17122   downloads 3709   Menu & Navigation

With a few lines of jQuery you can do a lot ("write less, do more ...") as a small menu that swing and all that without really getting tired ... We start by creating a set of elements of type…


multi level slide accordion menu with jQuery

Views 71615   downloads 15267   Accordion

jQuery accordion menus are menus that act like a musical accordion, with regards to their ability to expand and contract based on user interactions. This helps display additional information for the active…


right click Looking Context Menu with jQuery

Views 14942   downloads 2749   Menu & Navigation

there are loads of context menu plugins already. But they require a fair amount of work to make them look good. This one is easy to use, small, and looks good. Features Tiny library. Only dependency is…


Grooveshark-style slide menu with jQuery

Views 16511   downloads 2911   Menu & Navigation

The 'old' grooveshark user interface featured a really cool menu effect built in Flash. You'd click on a artist and the menu would slide 'ipod style' to the left from the right. I…


super cool easing and hoverIntent navigation with jQuery

Views 17519   downloads 3462   Menu & Navigation

Make your navigation a bit more flashy with this plugin… using easing and hoverIntent, customise the rollover colours, easing method and duration… View the demo for an example… Include…


Awesome Drop Slide Menu With Jquery

Views 26826   downloads 5484   Menu & Navigation

dropSlideMenu is a simple (single-level support only), yet easily and highly-customisable drop-down menu with an attractive sliding effect. There are plenty of jQuery drop-down menu scripts already available,…


jQuery Awesome Social Media Share Menu

Views 45207   downloads 2008   Menu & Navigation

we will show you how to create a social media share menu using CSS and jQuery. We are going to create the menu using basics CSS such as the CSS background-position property and a little jQuery to make…


Nice "Flashy" menu with Jquery.

Views 52533   downloads 7714   Menu & Navigation

we are going to create a "Flashy" menu using Jquery. The Menu/Navigation is one of the first thing I focus on when I make a website. It has to be unique, original and  reflect the spirit…