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CSS3 rotation starbursts effect

Views 11492   downloads 2835   Buttons & Icons

The  starburst will only work in browsers that support the CSS3 rotation property, currently that's Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome. All other browsers will gracefully degrade to a simple…


jQuery Stylish Background Image Sliding effect

Views 25691   downloads 4000   Slideshow & Scroller

we'll show you how to create sliding image cell effect. This is will something like small photo gallery. Step 1. HTML Here are full html code of our result. For our demonstration I use 5 photos –…


Cool JQuery and CSS3 Animation Menu

Views 24635   downloads 5031   Menu & Navigation

The menu is simple, but unique. Script structure: HTML: <div id="menu"> <ul id="nav"> <li> <a href="#" class="icon1"> <span>Home Page</span>…


Awesome JQuery Photo Rotator Slideshow Effect

Views 24631   downloads 5032   Slideshow & Scroller

Photo Rotator JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery on their web application. The plugin can be driven by xml. Easy setup and only minimum programming…


Simple jQuery and CSS3 Flyout Ribbon menu

Views 30273   downloads 5812   Menu & Navigation

It is compatible with all major browsers:  Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE9+..this is a Flyout Ribbon using jQuery and CSS3, The Markup The markup for this is pretty straight forward.  You…


vertical scroll news ticker with jQuery

Views 22024   downloads 5120   Slideshow & Scroller

this plugin for easy and simple vertical news automatic scrolling. This plugin will calculate height automaticaly, so no styling needed (added an option to set height manually). Just grab it and use it.…


jquery beautiful notification boxes

Views 16457   downloads 4370   Layout & Interface

Wouldn’t you love your designs to have some kind of notifications? It might be errors, success, warnings or just anything in general. But you would also want the users to have the capability of…


jQuery 3D Parallax Background Effect

Views 44308   downloads 5892   Image Effects

The HTML Our page will consist of 6 sections: header, footer and 4 articles. On the right, we’ll place an unordered list that links between the articles and remains fixed on the page so it doesn’t…


Very Nice Minimit Gallery Plugin With jQuery

Views 19143   downloads 3944   Slideshow & Scroller

Minimit Gallery is a highly customizable Jquery plugin that does galleries, slideshows, carousels, slides… pratically everything that has multiple states. Using Minimit Gallery you have more time…


jQuery Real-Time Form Validation plugin

Views 16214   downloads 4247   Form

Client-side validation is something every web form should have, no doubts about that. While server-side validation does its job, it certainly lacks good user experience. What is so great about client-side…


Pure CSS3 multiple Animated Buttons

Views 17531   downloads 4734   Buttons & Icons

Still hyped by the possibilities of CSS3, I want to share some CSS3 button experiments with you. The idea is to create some animated link elements with different styles, hover effects and active states.…


Pure CSS3 Vertial Animated Menu

Views 38766   downloads 10084   Menu & Navigation

This short script will show you how to create a colorful, yet simple and elegant navigation menu using nothing but CSS 3. Since the latest version of CSS and mainly it’s animation part is not supported…


jQuery Sliding show Download size Button

Views 13655   downloads 3722   Buttons & Icons

Here's an example of download size button . First off we'll be starting with making sure we are linking to the jQuery library. Here's the one I used for the demo, linking to the jQuery CDN…


Slidorion-auto play accordion image slider effect

Views 32744   downloads 6911   Accordion

A combination of an image slider and an accordion, the slidorion displays beautiful images along with a variable length description. With images linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of…


jQuery Tabs Highlighter Effect

Views 21009   downloads 2972   Tabs

Keyboard Navigation (arrowkeys + ESC) Highly Customizable Autoplay Todo Accessible Todo Cross Browser Compatibility Usage: <head> <!-- Load and Configure jQuery Highlighter --> <link href="lib/jquery.highlighter.css"…