Pure CSS3 Image Slider effect
Image slider is a popular effect and often used in portfolio sites and blogs. Most of these sliders are created by Javascript. But with CSS3′s strength, we can implement an image slider with only…
Hotspot tooltips Plugin with jQuery
You can use this jQuery Hotspot Plugin in a product introduction or image showcase, which support the auto delay slideshow and can trigger by click or hover. Works fine in the mobile device like iPhone…
Pure CSS3 Two Level Dark Menu
Now we are going to add the HTML content for our dark menu, and here we are using a simple unordered list with list items as you want and a sub menu using also an unordered list with list items as you…
useful credit card validation jQuery plugin
Smart Validate is a jQuery credit card validation plugin, that makes credit card format validation a simple task. It ensures that user has entered valid credit card number before making actual transaction.…
Quite Save Delicious Button With jQuery
This is a share count button to encourage people to bookmark your content on Delicious. Although Delicious provides their own button and I tried before to style it differently, but still It didn't…
Awesome stylesheet switcher with jQuery
This style sheet switcher has conventient forward and back links for you to cycle through available sheets and incorporates the cookie plugin so that user preferences can be retained for later visits.…
jQuery.fracs plugin scroll
jQuery.fracs determines some fractions for an HTML element (visible fraction, fraction of the viewport, ...) and also provides the coordinates of these areas. As a bonus there is a page outline feature…
timeline slideshow with jQuery
Including the plugin on your page will turn a <ul> list into a slideshow with the <li>s as slides (see a markup example below). Then style it by CSS -with or without images-…
jQuery and CSS3 Image Flyout Slider effect
This is an experimental flyout image slider. This image slider is a stack of some images and works by flying out the selected image to the front of images stack. We will use CSS3 transition, animation…
spin button plugin with jQuery
Smart spin is a jQuery spin button plugin that mimics the very common windows spin button control. Smart spin allows you to select a value between minimum and maximum values using either mouse or keyboard.…
Animate jQuery validation feedback form
The trick is very simple: after user presses signup button, validation occurs and all fields that are invalid get shaken a little bit. They have very simple web form as example below shows. I won't…
Stylish Rocking CSS3 Search Field
CSS3 is the next generation style sheet language. It introduces a lot of new and exciting features like shadows, animations, transitions, border-radius etc. Although the specifications have not been finalized…
slide images header feature with jQuery
This might not be the best way to structure the JavaScript and I’m sure you hard core coders will pick up on this however one of the purposes of this tutorial is to show newcomers to jQuery exactly…
Simple jQuery Virtual Keyboard Effect
very few websites provide their users with the option of using a virtual keyboard to key in (at the bare minimum) their passwords. Yes, a few banks do it, but considering how much personal information…
CSS3 and html5 Flashy Menu
we'll going to show you how to create a flashy menu using CSS3. This tutorial is for beginners and can be completed fairly quickly. Make sure you click on the link below to see a demo of the menu…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu