jQuery.fracs plugin scroll

jQuery.fracs determines some fractions for an HTML element (visible fraction, fraction of the viewport, ...) and also provides the coordinates of these areas. As a bonus there is a page outline feature as seen on the right.
To retrieve the fractions of an element use:
var fracs = $(selector).fracs();
this will return an object of type Fractions
Or bind a callback function:
function callback(fracs: Fractions, previousFracs: Fractions) { ... // context variable *this* will be the corresponding HTMLElement ... }; $(selector).fracs(callback);
The callback function will be called whenever fracs
and previousFracs
are unequal. A check will be triggered on every window resize or window scroll event. To trigger it manually use
Add a canvas to your document (use a fixed position to keep it in viewport)
<canvas id="outline" width="200" height="400"></canvas>
and then in your javascript initialize the outline with some OutlineOptions
, for example
$("#outline").fracs("outline", { crop: true, styles: [{ selector: 'header,footer,section,article', fillStyle: 'rgb(230,230,230)' }, { selector: 'h1', fillStyle: 'rgb(240,140,060)' }] });
Static methods
// Returns the dimension of the whole document. // 0.5 jQuery.fracs.document(): Rect
// Returns the fractions for an arbitrary Rect or HTMLElement and viewport, // viewport defaults to jQuery.fracs.viewport(). jQuery.fracs.fracs(rect: Rect, [viewport: Rect]): Fractions jQuery.fracs.fracs(element: HTMLElement, [viewport: Rect]): Fractions // Shortcuts // 0.9 jQuery.fracs(rect: Rect, [viewport: Rect]): Fractions jQuery.fracs(element: HTMLElement, [viewport: Rect]): Fractions
// Returns the element's dimensions in document space. jQuery.fracs.rect(element: HTMLElement): Rect
// Returns the rounded value to a given precision, precision defaults to 0. jQuery.fracs.round(value: float, [precision: int]): float
// Scrolls the viewport relative to the current position, duration // defaults to 1000. // 0.8 jQuery.fracs.scroll(left: int, top: int, [duration: int])
// Returns the current scroll state. // 0.8 jQuery.fracs.scrollState(): ScrollState // Binds a callback function that will be invoked if scroll state has changed // after a window resize or window scroll event. // 0.9 jQuery.fracs.scrollState(callback(state: ScrollState, prevState: ScrollState))
// Scrolls the viewport, duration defaults to 1000. // 0.4 jQuery.fracs.scrollTo(left: int, top: int, [duration: int])
Read more:http://larsjung.de/fracs/
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