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Swipebox - touchable jQuery lightbox

Views 25669   downloads 4361   Slideshow & Scroller

Usage Javascript Include jquery and the swipebox script in your  body closing tag. <script src="lib/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script> <script src="source/jquery.swipebox.min.js"></script>…


cool content slider jQuery plugin

Views 29988   downloads 5329   Slideshow & Scroller

Revolver is a new content slider that makes no assumptions about your markup. Think of Revolver as a boilerplate or framework for making your own slider, exactly the way you want it. But don't let…


very cool Accordion effect

Views 18090   downloads 4924   Accordion

you're a beginner in JavaScript and CSS, it can be very helpful to study the included examples before you start implementing the Classic Accordion into your page. You can even use them as starting…


jQuery and CSS3 slide accordion menu

Views 21664   downloads 6183   Menu & Navigation

This is a very unique animation menu with jQuery and CSS3,. ordinary circumstances, the menu displays only menu items LOGO , When the mouse hover the menu item, it will from left to right stretched .…


Pure CSS3 Ribbon Menu

Views 22602   downloads 6972   Menu & Navigation

This uses CSS3 transitions and CSS2 pseudo-elements to create an animated navigation ribbon with minimal markup. Browser Support IE8 and IE9 do not support CSS3 transitions, so the hover state will not…


Likes books content flip plugin with jQuery

Views 19733   downloads 4257   Slideshow & Scroller

booklet-like component that let's you navigate through its items by flipping the pages with jQuery BookBlock is a plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a “page…


Simple pure CSS3 animation multilevel menu

Views 12239   downloads 3079   Menu & Navigation

This is a new nice CSS3 menu with interesting behavior, where  use css3 transition and animation. This is UL-LI-based multilevel menu. Step 1. HTML As usual, we start with the HTML. Here are full…


Uniform---jQuery Sexy forms effect

Views 19942   downloads 5454   Form

Have you ever wished you could style checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs? Ever wished you could control the look and feel of your form elements between all browsers? If…


jQuery Fullscreen Background effect

Views 24181   downloads 3592   Image Effects

If you’re a webdeveloper or designer we'll pretty sure you’ve run into the problem of people wanting to have “fullscreen content” or just background images that will stretch…


Customized checkbox and radio with jquery - iCheck

Views 13153   downloads 3469   Form

  Features Identical inputs across different browsers and devices — both desktop and mobile Touch devices support — iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone Keyboard accessible…


CSS3 and jQuery Interactive Graph

Views 9522   downloads 2602   Graph & Chart

we will code an Interactive Graph using jQuery and CSS3. We will use the jQuery’s popular plotting plugin “Flot”. Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical…


windows full-screen scrolling with jQuery

Views 10357   downloads 1705   Layout & Interface

a handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows This is a light bootstrap that sets up:  - the basic SASS for sequential full screen windows - a jQuery plugin for managing…


jQuery animation Percentage Loader plugin

Views 18493   downloads 3602   Layout & Interface

jQuery.PercentageLoader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a progress widget in more visually striking way than the ubiquitous horizontal progress bar / textual counter. Installation and use is quick and…


jQuery cool Password strength verification plugin

Views 4844   downloads 1390  

Many sites that require login credentials enforce a security setting often referred to as password complexity requirements. These requirements ensure that user passwords are sufficiently strong and cannot…


jqPlot - A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin

Views 11639   downloads 2315   Graph & Chart

  jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features: Numerous chart style options. Date axes with…