Smooth Animated Search form with jQuery
The search was inspired by and it works in all major browsers, even works in IE6 though you would have to fix the png yourself. Requirements For the more advanced usage of the search it requires…
jQuery Stylish Background Image Sliding effect
we'll show you how to create sliding image cell effect. This is will something like small photo gallery. Step 1. HTML Here are full html code of our result. For our demonstration I use 5 photos –…
jQuery flickr-Bomb images effect
Hopefully you had a chance to play around with the demo above and realized that flickrBomb provides an easy way for you to fill your prototypes with relevant content, and not just dull gray placeholder…
Awesome Animation menu with jquery
This is an Awesome Animation menu with jquery. First off all, the problem was those background lines,If you just set background separately to all your list tags you end with lines not in order To…
Nice jQuery Sliding Image Gallery
There are a lot of jQuery image galleries out there, some of which are quite lovely (Galleria springs to mind). However, I've yet to discover a really nice-looking, full-window sliding image gallery…
very simple Tooltip Plugin with jQuery
A simple animated hover tooltip JQuery plugin HTML <div class="your_selector"> Help‽ <div class="tooltip_description" style="display:none;" title="No worries">…
photo puzzle effect with jQuery
Reference (Note: This plugin works with jquery 1.3+ [the version used in this demo is 1.5.2]) jquery-1.5.2.min.js jquery.jspuzzle-beta.js Html <div id="imageContainer"> <img id="truck"…
Useful jQuery Form Add Hints and Auto Focus effect
This demo teaches you how to easily add hints to your forms and auto focus fields. We are continuing a series of quick articles for web developers which explain how to automate things during website programming.…
jQuery images dynamic form preview
a dynamic form preview tool for work so clients could preview how the text and images would look before submitting the content to be published. I’ve trimmed down the code and removed the database…
jQuery images opening and closing door effect
Imagine you have a sliding door, one left and one right. In order to open/close this particular door, we have to pull or push both door so that it will open or close completely. This is the usual case…
Beautiful jQuery like Google images gallery
Works on IE8+ , FF, Chrome, Safari & more...!! Thumba is a gallery jQuery plugin, that displays thumbnails as Google images. You can navigate by moving the mouse, or using "Left" & "Right"…
Fullscreen Image Slider with jQuery plugin
Features Realtime window resize responsive Optimization for tablet and smartphone Easy to installation configuration Support touch gestures Support left/right arrow keys Preload images Step1:include…
Pure CSS3 Red Menu/Navigation
we’re gonna create a nice and slick navigation bar using CSS only. I need to warn you though, we’ll have to use some CSS3 features so it will not be cross-browser. Another thing is that this…
Nice Pure CSS3 Like Apple Navigation
Apple’s website has long served as inspiration to web designers who recognize the superiority of simplicity in user experience. One of its most iconic features is the tabbed navigation – a…
CSS3 Cool Animated Buttons
we'll creating interactive animated elements (buttons) with CSS3. Step 1. HTML Here are full html code of our result. Pay attention to classes of buttons. In our experiment I used 2 different types…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu