jQuery Plugin: rotate3Di - Flip HTML content in 3D
Rotate3Di is a jQuery Effect Plugin that makes it possible to do an isometric 3D flip or 3D rotation of any HTML content. It also enables custom 3D rotation animations. CSS Transforms are used to create…
very Simple jQuery print plugin
support: Firefox 3.6 IE 7&8 Chrome latest Printing is becoming more and more obsolete these days, however most website still do offer a print stylesheet . That being said print stylesheets are rarely…
HTML5 Demo: Drag and drop
Drag the list items over the dustbin, and drop them to have the bin eat the item
Minimalistic Navigation Menu with CSS3
Today we are making something practical – a simple CSS3 animated navigation menu The XHTML The menu is organized as an unordered list. This is the most suitable structure for a menu, as it provides…
balupton edition jQuery Lightbox
Step 1. Download jQuery Lightbox, and extract it to your hard drive As everyones extraction process is a little bit different be sure of the following: If the archive was extracted and you have a whole…
Pretty Digg-style post sharing tool with jQuery
I will show you how to create a social bookmarking tool that look similar to digg's. It looks cool, practical and useful! I also include the komodomedia's social bookmarking icons and a long list of submission…
Animate a Contact Us Slide-Out Area using jQuery
First we start of with the necessary file includes: [removed]<!--mce:0-->[removed][removed]<!--mce:1-->[removed][removed]<!--mce:2-->[removed] Let’s set the height of the contactArea…
jQuery nice Background Animated Navigation Menu
Changing the position of the background image felt to be the best approach to creating the type of effect we're looking for. jQuery is a great library for this type of task but out of the box, it…
Nice jQuery And CSS3 Modal Plugin Catch404
Let’s talk about the problem we’re going to be solving with it first: Broken links and 404 Errors are a problem that have plagued almost all websites since the dawn of the internet –…
CSS Navigation Rollovers With Drop-downs
This post is a continuation of Super Fantastic CSS Navigation Image Rollovers where we created CSS rollovers with a single image, so it would probably be a good idea for you to take a look at that post…
Beautiful Jquery Plugin MopTip(tooltips)
Tested and works with Safari4, Firefox3, Opera9, IE6, IE7, IE8, Google crome. MopBox is draggable show box that can contain div, image , flashmovie, video, etc. If it has more than one children, slider…
A Tabbed Content Rotator Using jQuery
we are going to create a tabbed content rotator (not sure what to call it really) using everyone’s favorite Javascript framework, jQuery and an interface library called jQuery UI. This effect can…
simple Zoomable Images Gallery Called jPhotoGrid with jQuery
This plugin takes a simple list of images and captions and turns it into a grid of photos that can be explored and zoomed. Overview Nearly all of the styling for this plugin is done in css. The…
Slideshow plugin for the Tabs with jquery
HTML coding The HTML setup is similar to the normal tab setup except that we have the "next" and "prev" action buttons available and the tabs are placed below the panes. <!-- "previous slide" button…
Jquery Framework and the slideshow Plugin
Base on the Jquery Framework and the Easing Plugin, The JSiderNews Plugin is a slideshow plugin that displaying images or type of content and support favious navigation to previous|next items. Features:…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu