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simple Pure CSS3 Navigation Menu

Views 19573   downloads 3773   Menu & Navigation

Menus driven purely by CSS have always been the ideal solution when it comes to navigation. However, we all know that we have been forced to use simplistic designs or images because of limited CSS and…


sample and useful tooltips effect

Views 10481   downloads 2447   Tooltips

Introducing a jQuery tooltip plugin for control-obsessed designers. Tooltip plugins make it too difficult to control the CSS. So I created tooltipsy to simply provide extremely efficient tooltip functionality.…


HTML5 and CSS3 accord effect

Views 34806   downloads 6663   Accordion

While reading more about HTML5 & CSS3 I just found an amazing css3 button styling. This time I wanted to do something which I was doing from past 2 years using JQuery. In this tutorial I am going…


Simple Image Scroller with jQuery

Views 16063   downloads 2445   Image Effects

These large individual product images work great for products like shoes, but when we needed to introduce clothing items we couldn't fit the entire product in without shrinking the image down until…


graceful CSS or MooTools Photo Stack Animations Effect

Views 10858   downloads 2016   Image Effects

My favorite technological piece of Google Plus is its image upload and display handling.  You can drag the images from your OS right into a browser's DIV element, the images upload right before…


Awesome Fullscreen Slideshow jQuery Plugin(Supersized 3.2 )

Views 25097   downloads 5736   Slideshow & Scroller

Features Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio Cycles backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and dynamic preloading Core version is available for those that just want…


Innovation multiaspect jquery Slide plugin

Views 16334   downloads 3562   Slideshow & Scroller

Finalmente un plugin per jquery semplice, leggero, ricco di effetti e molto versatile.Ci permetterà di scorrere in maniera “diversa” i nostri contenuti: immagini, testo, etc.Vediamo…


crossbrowser tabs Drop-down menu with CSS3 and jQuery

Views 19885   downloads 4778   Menu & Navigation

This is a dropdown menu with parental tabs (as first level). Part of the work we pass on to the shoulders of jQuery (switching tabs, display popups). In the current version – we have three levels…


jQuery Background Stretcher rotation Plugin

Views 18853   downloads 3304   Slideshow & Scroller

bgStretcher 2011 (Background Stretcher) is a jQuery plug-in which allows you to add a large image (or a set of images) to the background of your web page and will proportionally resize the image(s) to…


jquery beautiful notification boxes

Views 16458   downloads 4370   Layout & Interface

Wouldn’t you love your designs to have some kind of notifications? It might be errors, success, warnings or just anything in general. But you would also want the users to have the capability of…


Pure CSS3 Google-styled buttons

Views 14316   downloads 3545   Buttons & Icons

Google rolled out a new design across many of their services as part of the Google+ launch. The new look presents a sleeker, simplified Google that puts the emphasis on your data and not on the interface.…


jQuery Text Cloud effect

Views 25357   downloads 3876   Text & Link Effects

jQCloud is a jQuery plugin that builds neat and pure HTML + CSS word clouds and tag clouds that are actually shaped like a cloud Installation Installing jQCloud is extremely simple: Make sure to import…


Images stack effect with jQuery

Views 31133   downloads 5792   Slideshow & Scroller

JavaScript var jstack = $("#imageBox").jStack({ isClickAnimation: true, isPositionRandom: true, durationOut: 300, durationIn: 200, easingOut: "easeInOutBack", easingIn: "easeOutBounce",…


Very useful color Prefix & Postfix Input Form

Views 14487   downloads 3359   Form

This library contains twenty four different icons, they are : email, link, external-link, attach, tag, home, key, credit-card, cart, user, trash, folder, save, marker, setting, edit, bookmark, calendar,…


Very nice pure CSS3 menu

Views 17542   downloads 3913   Menu & Navigation

This is a good looking menu using some CSS3 magic. The HTML <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#"><span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>Categories</span></a></li>…