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Images Color Thief with jQuery

Views 16319   downloads 2315   Image Effects

Ever wanted to grab the dominant color or color palette from an image?… Probably not. But now you can! Usecase #1: Color Search This script could be useful for sites that sort and search by color.…


jQuery images Interactive and Filterable Plugin

Views 15906   downloads 3293   Image Effects

The plugin is configurable to work with just about any markup. Filters <ul id="portfolio-filter"> <li><a href="#all">All</a> </li> <li><a rel="design"…


Animation Slide Drop Captions Plugin with jQuery

Views 19300   downloads 3617   Image Effects

drop captions takes an image’s title attribute and converts it into a caption that appears only when the mouse is moved over the image. This allows me to maintain a clean look to the site, while…


jQuery Custom Change background effect

Views 26011   downloads 4088   Image Effects

jQuery can be extremely useful for you if you want to beautify your web app. jQuery provide a number of simple ways to dynamically change the design of your web page. Here is a simple script that shows…


Cool jQuery Nautilus plugin

Views 18436   downloads 3395   Image Effects

Nautilus is a jQuery plug-in based on Google's Doodle honoring Jules Verne (it was released on February 8, 2011). The letters of Google looked like hatches that allowed to see "under the sea",…


Rotating hover Image with JQuery

Views 21809   downloads 2621   Image Effects

Creating a jquery plugin is easier than it sound, first time I heard about creating 3rd party plugin sounds scary, maybe need more deeper understanding about the platform, but not in jquery. Well I just…


jQuery 3D Parallax Background Effect

Views 44424   downloads 5959   Image Effects

The HTML Our page will consist of 6 sections: header, footer and 4 articles. On the right, we’ll place an unordered list that links between the articles and remains fixed on the page so it doesn’t…


CSS3 animation, shadows image hover effect

Views 32223   downloads 5972   Image Effects

A sleek image gallery that takes advantage of CSS3 animation, shadows, and the “transform” property to instantly add a smooth hover effect to its images, whereby the image enlarges and moves…


Responsive Image Sizes At Different Resolutions

Views 13095   downloads 2091   Image Effects

An Experiment with Mobile-First Images that Scale Responsively & Responsibly What is this? The goal of this technique is to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes in responsive layouts that utilize…


Jquery and CSS3 Nice Google Plus Photo stack

Views 19936   downloads 3724   Image Effects

If you are using Google Plus then you must have noticed the photo stack effect when you view your own album or someone else album. The HTML Part The first step will be to create our html page to place…


jQuery useful preload image effect

Views 14044   downloads 1944   Image Effects

The idea is to preload an image first to browser cache, then display it when completely loaded using jQuery. We can also make it more presentable to viewers by adding a fade in effect after we preload…


Beautiful jQuery Parallax effect

Views 26352   downloads 4957   Image Effects

 the parallax script . It’s called in a more jQuery like manner now and has a couple of useful options for inverting the movement and changing the unit of measurement to any jQuery/CSS supported…


slide images header feature with jQuery

Views 17202   downloads 3156   Image Effects

This might not be the best way to structure the JavaScript and I’m sure you hard core coders will pick up on this however one of the purposes of this tutorial is to show newcomers to jQuery exactly…


jQuery Images Hover Cycle effect

Views 14827   downloads 3226   Image Effects

A quick way to add a hover responsive, fast cycling, jQuery powered slideshow to your site. The Basics I first saw this style slideshow as a Flash solution on Cargo Collective, which has since been updated…


Animated image caption with jQuery in WordPress

Views 18289   downloads 2504   Image Effects

Google loves it so, if in addition to pictures or descriptive text still stands. Why WordPress has introduced some time ago, the image caption. This can - if you're not a friend of captions - manipulate…