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jQuery useful preload image effect

Created 13 years ago   Views 14040   downloads 1941    Author wpleet
jQuery useful preload image effect
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The idea is to preload an image first to browser cache, then display it when completely loaded using jQuery. We can also make it more presentable to viewers by adding a fade in effect after we preload image to browser cache.

Create the html holder for the preload image

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>DEMO: How to preload image using jQuery - Javascript</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<div id="content">
        <input title="Paste the image url here and click Load Image." id="img_url" type="text"/>
        <button id="load_img">Load Image</button>
    <div id="image_content">
        <div id="img_holder" class="loadit"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/script.js"></script>

First step is to lay down the html markup. We also need include jQuery library for use to use some of it’s functionalities.

The Javascript codes:

    function LoadImage(){
        var img_url = $("#img_url").val();
        if(img_url == ''){
            img_url = "images/wetrepubliccomp7c.png";
        var img = new Image();

To preload an image we will focus on the LoadImage() function. This will server as the main function that drives this tutorial.

var img = new Image();

The idea is to create an Image Object using Javascript, and control the preloading with jQuery using load event.

    //execute when the event is triggered.

We also need to supply the image attributes first before we preload the image. I added the image source using jQuery function .attr(‘src’,img_url). You can add more attributes on the image like class or id if you like.


We will add an event hadler on .load() to control image preloading. I will add a fade in effect to the image before i show it to viewer. Make sure it’s hidden that’s why i called $(this).hide(); , then we will place our img object to $(‘#img_holder’) using .append(img) and use the $(img).fadeIn(); to display it with a fade in effect.

How to call the function


On a normal page load just call the LoadImage(); function. Be sure to set var img_url with your default image.


You can also trigger it on a click event, if you have a project that requires user interaction before you preload an image.


Load event doesn’t have an error handler built-in, but if you really want to validate first if the image source before you load it, you can use the jQuery ajax request to check it.

    url: img_url,
            //Image Not Found!
            //do stuff here if image exist

The article source: