Useful jQuery tableHover

jQuery plugin to highlight table rows and columns when hovering over them.
It features different styles for row and column highlighting and fixing the highlight when a user clicks inside a cell.
The plugin is available under both MIT and GPL licenses (as jQuery itself). This means that you can choose the license that best suits your project, and use it accordingly.
- v 0.1.4 - 2007-12-17
- fix: clicking on a link or child element inside a cell did not set the clickClass on the rows/columns
- v 0.1.3 - 2007-09-04
- fix: highlighting did not work when the hovered table cell had child elements inside
- v 0.1.2 - 2007-08-13
- fix/change: changed event binding routine, as is got really slow with jquery
- change: added new option “ignoreCols”, through which columns can be excluded from the highlighting process
- v 0.1.1 - 2007-06-05
- fix: errors when using the plugin on a table not having a theader or tfoot
The plugin was successfully tested on Firefox 2, Opera 9.10/9.20 and IE 6/IE 7.
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