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Clingify - a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create sticky headers and navigation

Views 8728   downloads 1985   Menu & Navigation

Clingify is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create “sticky” headers and navigation elements. Once you scroll past the targeted element, the plugin will toggle a CSS class that gives…


aboutWhen - a jQuery plugin for accepting partial or approximate dates

Views 5502   downloads 1387   Form

aboutWhen This is a jQuery plugin for accepting partial or approximate dates. Calendar controls and their variants are great if you want your users to pick one valid date precisely, but in the case where…


SortedList is a jQuery plugin to sort a list of DOM elements (table li)

Views 4207   downloads 1143   Table

SortedList is a jQuery plugin to sort a list of DOM elements the way you want. Think about LI, TR, OPTION and even DIVS. Sorting with table rows Click on the table header to sort on that column, a second…


jQuery plugin to dim the current page except for some user-defined top elements

Views 5425   downloads 1721   Layout & Interface

Usage Include the script in your website first. Add this script tag after your jQuery inclusi <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>…


Revolver.js - a jQuery (Mootools) content slider plugin

Views 19583   downloads 4524   Slideshow & Scroller

Revolver.js is a modular javascript library to help you build your own content slider. It has a sensable, unopinionated API that helps you get from mockup to reality with less friction than the other…


support mobile devices Liquid Slider effect

Views 11765   downloads 2464   Slideshow & Scroller

The last responsive content slider you'll ever need Advanced CSS3 transitions Unfortunately, traditional animations are not always as smooth as you'd want them to be, specifically on some mobile…


hexaflip - a javascript flexible 3d cube plugin

Views 11781   downloads 2782   Slideshow & Scroller

HexaFlip is a JavaScript UI plugin that let's you use 3D cubes as interface elements. Dive into the process of creating the plugin and learn some best practices regarding flexible UI plugins. Please…


jQuery force directed graph layout algorithm --Springy

Views 10658   downloads 1515   Menu & Navigation

Springy is a force directed graph layout algorithm. So what does this “force directed” stuff mean anyway? Excellent question! It means that springy uses some real world physics to try and…


JQuery Box Lid Menu in action by hovering your mouse over the menu bar on the left

Views 17877   downloads 3981   Menu & Navigation

You can see the Box Lid Menu in action by hovering your mouse over the menu bar on the left. Installation First, include the stylesheet and javascript as follows: <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'…


CSS3 and jQuery better Toggling of elements

Views 8926   downloads 1772   Image Effects

betterToggle is a jQuery plugin for better Toggling of elements.It uses css3 transforms with fallback. betterToggle is a jQuery plugin for better Toggling of elements.   Instead of using $("#element").toggle()…


qTip2 - Powerful tooltips with jquery

Views 11898   downloads 2715   Tooltips

Getting Started Now you have the jQuery library and qTip2  files, it's time to include them within your HTML. I highly recommend that all non-essential (i.e. non-library)…


jquery snaps to blocks of content - JQUERY.PANELSNAP

Views 7916   downloads 1708   Layout & Interface

A jQuery plugin that, after scrolling, snaps to blocks of content which I like to call panels. You can actually nest sets of panels as you will see throughout this demo page. Each following panel will…


Jquery Responsive Full Width Slider (jquery Full Screen Slider)

Views 25448   downloads 8931   Slideshow & Scroller

How to use? $('#demo').skdslider({'delay':5000, 'fadeSpeed': 2000}); Available Options Option Description delay Delay duration between two slides in micro seconds. Example: 5000…


jQuery and CSS3 Vertical Menu effect

Views 21228   downloads 4366   Menu & Navigation

we'll going to show you how to create a simple, but very stylish vertical menu using some CSS3, a bit of jQuery. The mobile devices revolution which is currently happening is changing the way we see…


awesome image/text-sliders with jQuery---FractionSlider

Views 17312   downloads 4861   Slideshow & Scroller

FractionSlider is a jQuery plugin for image/text-sliders. It allows you to animate multiple elements per slide. You can set different animation methods like fade or transitions from a certain direction.…