support mobile devices Liquid Slider effect

The last responsive content slider you'll ever need
Advanced CSS3 transitions
Unfortunately, traditional animations are not always as smooth as you'd want them to be, specifically on some mobile devices. The Liquid Slider uses those fancy hardware-accellerated CSS3 transtions with jQuery animations as a fallback.
Incredibly easy to use
Installation is ridicioulsy easy and the API makes keeps it that way. Oh, and with custom builds, you only get the code you actually need. What more could you want? To prove it to you, here is a video showing you just how easy it is.
Yup! And it's Html5 optimized
You can use any Html content you want. Any. The navigation will build itself around your content and the slider will adapt to the width of the screen. Make sure you have an understanding of media queries and other responsive design concepts.
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