jQuery plugin to dim the current page except for some user-defined top elements

Include the script in your website first. Add this script tag after your jQuery inclusi
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.github.com/andywer/jquery-dim-background/master/jquery.dim-background.js"></script>
Usage is simple. You can dim your website, but keep some elements on top of the curtain:
<script type="text/javascript"> $('.myElements').dimBackground(); </script>
To switch back to normal:
<script type="text/javascript"> $('.myElements').undim(); // - or - $.undim(); </script>
You can also provide a callback function that is called when the animation completes and you can overwrite default options:
(You may find the available options in the jquery.dim-background.js
file. Have a look at$.fn.dimBackground.defaults
<script type="text/javascript"> $('.myElements').dimBackground({ darkness : 0.8 // 0: no dimming, 1: completely black }, function() { // do something }); </script>
This plugin is published under the MIT license. See license.
Have a lot of fun!
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