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Jquery Framework and the slideshow Plugin

Views 34647   downloads 7441   Slideshow & Scroller

Base on the Jquery Framework and the Easing Plugin, The JSiderNews Plugin is a slideshow plugin that displaying images or type of content and support favious navigation to previous|next items. Features:…


The Mootool - Lof SiderNews Plugin

Views 36529   downloads 9508   Slideshow & Scroller

The Mootool - Lof SiderNews Plugin use for play a slideshow with the navigation display on the lef side or right side.


jQuery Vertical Slideshow

Views 30138   downloads 4667   Slideshow & Scroller

A vertical slideshow that is ready to be used now or it can be customized as you need. jQuery CODE $(document).ready(function() { $("#side-nav a").vertSlider( { text : new Array("LivePipe: here is the…


jQuery Blinds Slideshow using CSS Sprites

Views 19225   downloads 3017   Slideshow & Scroller

Features Smooth animated transition Customizable sprite grid Customizable animation ochestration Multiple instances on the same webpage jQuery compatible (plugin) Unobtrusive javascript Compatibility…


JQuery Smooth Div Scroll

Views 49440   downloads 6353   Slideshow & Scroller

Smooth Div Scroll is a jQuery plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right. Apart from many of the other scrolling plugins that have been written for jQuery, Smooth Div Scroll does not limit…


JQuery Carousel Tabber

Views 32795   downloads 4817   Slideshow & Scroller

Out of the box, billy is a basic scrolling carousel which can be implemented very easily. A person with little knowledge of either html or javascript can get billy working on a page within a few minutes.…


Pretty Simple Content Slider with jQuery and CSS3

Views 19502   downloads 4316   Slideshow & Scroller

We will create an auto-playing content slider with jQuery and CSS3. The idea is to alter the background image and to slide in the heading and the description. By clicking on one of the menu items, the…


Creating a Rotating Billboard System with jQuery and CSS

Views 16719   downloads 3297   Slideshow & Scroller

We will use some images, CSS and jQuery to create the effect of a rotating billboard with two ads. The idea is to make one set of image slices disappear while another one (the other ad) appear. We will…


Coda Tabs Slider Effect jQuery

Views 32855   downloads 7466   Slideshow & Scroller

Recreating this effect is simple to do if you know what plugins to use. There are plugins out in the wild already, but we want our jQuery to satisfy the following requirements: Degrades perfectly without…


A Tabbed Content Rotator Using jQuery

Views 30165   downloads 5854   Tabs

we are going to create a tabbed content rotator (not sure what to call it really) using everyone’s favorite Javascript framework, jQuery and an interface library called jQuery UI. This effect can…


Advanced jQuery background images slideshow

Views 20570   downloads 4038   Slideshow & Scroller

With the use of transparent PNG's, some HTML, pretty nifty CSS and jQuery, we can make this technique work. Read the rest of this article to learn how to create a beautiful advanced jQuery background…


desSlideshow - Stylish featured image slideshow jQuery plugin

Views 68776   downloads 12241   Slideshow & Scroller

Usage Include js files.   <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script>…


jQuery Slideshow

Views 13831   downloads 2894   Slideshow & Scroller

Homepages generally don’t have enough space for all the promotions clients want to put on there.  The homepage slideshow is a great space saving solution, while keeping your homepage from looking…


bxSlider jQuery Content Slider

Views 60145   downloads 13023   Slideshow & Scroller

bxSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin that is light weight and easy to use. Features: horizontal and vertical slide movement auto mode start / stop controls previous / next controls numeric navigation…


Dynamic Flickr Photo Gallery with Slider jQuery

Views 16920   downloads 2908   Slideshow & Scroller

flickrGallery is an open-source photo gallery for jQuery that allows you to dynamically pull images from a photoset in Flickr. The main functionalities of this gallery are a) to pull in images dynamically…