bxSlider jQuery Content Slider

bxSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin that is light weight and easy to use.
- horizontal and vertical slide movement
- auto mode
- start / stop controls
- previous / next controls
- numeric navigation
- continuous ticker mode
jQuery code
prev_image: 'images/btn_arrow_left.jpg',
next_image: 'images/btn_arrow_right.jpg',
wrapper_class: 'slides1_wrap',
margin: 70,
auto: true,
auto_controls: true
implementation and configuration
Although the plugin can be applied to any element that contains children, bxSlider works best if applied to a <ul> like so:
html code
<li>first piece of content</li>
<li>second piece of content</li>
<li>third piece of content</li>
<li>fourth piece of content</li>
<li>bxCarousel can accept an unlimited number of elements</li>
jQuery code
alignment: 'horizontal', // 'horizontal', 'vertical' - direction in which slides will move
controls: true, // determines if default 'next'/'prev' controls are displayed
speed: 500, // amount of time slide transition lasts (in milliseconds)
pager: true, // determines if a numeric pager is displayed (1 2 3 4...)
pager_short: false, // determines if a 'short' numeric pager is displayed (1/4)
pager_short_separator: ' / ', // text to be used to separate the short pager
margin: 0, // if 'horizontal', applies a right margin to each slide, if 'vertical' a
// bottom margin is applied. example: margin: 50
next_text: 'next', // text to be displayed for the 'next' control
next_image: '', // image to be used for the 'next' control
prev_text: 'prev', // text to be displayed for the 'prev' control
prev_image: '', // image to be used for the 'prev' control
auto: false, // determines if slides will move automatically
pause: 3500, // time between each slide transition (auto mode only)
auto_direction: 'next', // order in which slides will transition (auto mode only)
auto_hover: true, // determines if slideshow will pause while mouse is hovering over slideshow
auto_controls: false, // determines if 'start'/'stop' controls are displayed (auto mode only)
ticker: false, // determines if slideshow will behave as a constant ticker
ticker_controls: false, // determines if 'start'/'stop' ticker controls are displayed (ticker mode only)
ticker_direction: 'next', // order in which slides will transition (ticker mode only)
ticker_hover: true, // determines if slideshow will pause while mouse is hovering over slideshow
stop_text: 'stop', // text to be displayed for the 'stop' control
start_text: 'start', // text to be displayed for the 'start' control
wrapper_class: 'bxslider_wrap' // class name to be used for the outer wrapper of the slideshow
notes and tips
- bxSlider works as an infinite loop. example: clicking the 'next' control repeatedly will keep appending the slideshow to itself
- bxSlider v2.0 no longer supports a 'fade' transition. Please use the jQuery Cycle plugin for superior functionality.
- if using auto, never have speed larger than duration
- if you want to apply a margin to each list item, use the plugin parameter 'margin' (see above) instead of using CSS in your stylesheet
change log
- 4/28/10 - version 2.0.1
added pager_short functionality (1/4 instead of 1 2 3 4)
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