jQuery customizable checkboxes and radio buttons

Identical inputs across different browsers and devices — both desktop and mobile
Touch devices support — iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone
Keyboard accessible inputs — Tab, Spacebar, Arrow up/down and other shortcuts
Customization freedom — use any HTML and CSS to style inputs (try 6 Retina-ready skins)
jQuery and Zepto JavaScript libraries support
Lightweight size — 1 kb gzipped
iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which you may customize yourself or use one of the available skins. You may also place inside that div some HTML code or text using insert option.
For this HTML:
<label> <input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled> Foo </label> <label for="baz[1]">Bar</label> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked> <label for="baz[2]">Bar</label> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]">
With default options you'll get nearly this:
<label> <div class="icheckbox disabled"> <input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled> </div> Foo </label> <label for="baz[1]">Bar</label> <div class="iradio checked"> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked> </div> <label for="baz[2]">Bar</label> <div class="iradio"> <input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]"> </div>
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