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awesome JQuery Images Slideshow

Views 17579   downloads 3484   Slideshow & Scroller

Slideshow is one of the most used feature in a web application, especially in a photo sharing site like flickr, photobucket, or maybe for used is some online store to showcasing some available new product,…


Web Forms with HTML5 no javascript

Views 30164   downloads 6607   HTML5

For years now, most Web forms have included at least some lines of JavaScript code. Typically this JavaScript is used to validate the form — that is, check all the fields have been filled in correctly…


Simple HTML5 Progress bar

Views 22424   downloads 6001   HTML5

There is a great amount of articles about Canvas on the internet, but I would like to show the example of how you can use Canvas on practice, namely the creation of animated progress bar.' The progress…


multiple Gradient Buttons with CSS3

Views 16946   downloads 4900   Buttons & Icons

What Is So Cool About These Buttons? Pure CSS: no image or Javascript is used. The gradient is cross-browser supported (IE, Firefox 3.6, Chrome, and Safari). Flexible and scalable: button size and rounded…


Slick Login Form with CSS3

Views 8823   downloads 2476   Form

The goal of this post is to harness some new functionality provided by CSS3 and move away from images. We are going to create a CSS3 login form without images yet still have a visually pleasing result.…


Nice jquery full background image slider

Views 81874   downloads 17394   Slideshow & Scroller

Backgrounds are an important aspect when it comes to creating a website. Whenever i look at a website the background most likely determines what the rest of the website will look like. As we may all know…


Multi Level Drop Down Menu Navigation with CSS3

Views 21398   downloads 6718   Menu & Navigation

We are back with a cool Multi-level Drop Down Navigation Menu made up of pure CSS with additional effects using CSS3.0 properties such as border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow and linear gradient. This…


Glowing login Form with jQuery and CSS3 (Glowform )

Views 16720   downloads 4625   Form

I thought Dragon Labs' Dragonfish Login Form Demo  was really neat. They implement the effect by using a rather large background image and a mask image and move the background image around via…


Beautiful CSS3 multicolour Dropdown Menu

Views 29279   downloads 8183   Menu & Navigation

This will colored tabs with slideout submenus. I don`t used any defined palette – tabs in different colors. Can warn, that all sliding effects will work only in FF, Chrome, Safary browsers, possible…


Pure CSS3 Two Level Dark Menu

Views 12259   downloads 3825   Menu & Navigation

Now we are going to add the HTML content for our dark menu, and here we are using a simple unordered list with list items as you want and a sub menu using also an unordered list with list items as you…


very cool Sliding Clock with jQuery

While this is not my normal doodle fare, I still think it should count for my creative output for the day.  I suppose I could scan in my scratchy notes while I was planning it, but they’re…


useful Table with CSS3

Views 18997   downloads 4804   Table

The goal was to have a cross browser compatible version that looked good in Chrome, Firefox, IE8, IE7, and IE6. Internet Explorer doesn’t support CSS3 rounded corners, gradients, or shadows, but…


Nice CSS3 and jQuery Multi-Step Signup Form

Views 20592   downloads 4833   Form

we will see how to create a simple multi-step signup form using CSS3 and jQuery. To spice up things a bit, we will include progress bar with the form, so the users will be able to see the percentage of…


jQuery fullscreen background image slideshow

Views 19220   downloads 3149   Slideshow & Scroller

With the help of some small HTML, nifty CSS and loads of jQuery, we're able to create an animated fullscreen background image slideshow. You can easily change the script by changing some variables.…


cool Dashboard Menu with jQuery

Views 18961   downloads 3401   Menu & Navigation

we are going to create our own dashboard menu as in Leopard dashboard. Dashboard menu in Leopard usually uses as a container for a tons of widgets we have and that will be nice if we have one on our web…