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Vertical scrolling news effect with jQuery

Views 22264   downloads 4095   Text & Link Effects

Totem makes vertical tickers easy to implement by: Turning a list of items into an animated ticker that auto-advances Specifying anchors for stop, start, next, and previous navigation links. Installation…


Awesome Diapo slideshow with jQuery

Views 36311   downloads 9733   Slideshow & Scroller

Diapo slideshow is an open source project. You can suggest changes or improvements if you want. You can download it and use for free, you can also include it in your projects and sell it as part of a…


like apple JQuery Slide Navigation Plugin

Views 19085   downloads 4679   Menu & Navigation

when user click on the navigation it like the products appear and disappear one by one, with the easing effect on the end movement, like bouncing on the vertical line. The apple mac page not only dealing…


Swing slide menu with jQuery

Views 17123   downloads 3709   Menu & Navigation

With a few lines of jQuery you can do a lot ("write less, do more ...") as a small menu that swing and all that without really getting tired ... We start by creating a set of elements of type…


Very Simple jQuery Tabs

Views 61691   downloads 15513   Tabs

The tab system very simple, very light and especially with a more elaborate visual transition that pass strict tab to tab. The result is a small plugin home simple to manage tabs with jQuery. Here are…


Useful tabs Pagination plugin with jQuery

Views 14714   downloads 4002   Tabs

Smart Paginator is a comprehensive jQuery Pagination plugin that makes adding pagination very simple task, all the navigation logic is built in and it is also very customizable. Smart Paginator supports…


photo puzzle effect with jQuery

Views 14392   downloads 2502   Image Effects

Reference (Note: This plugin works with jquery 1.3+ [the version used in this demo is 1.5.2]) jquery-1.5.2.min.js jquery.jspuzzle-beta.js Html <div id="imageContainer"> <img id="truck"…


multi level slide accordion menu with jQuery

Views 71618   downloads 15267   Accordion

jQuery accordion menus are menus that act like a musical accordion, with regards to their ability to expand and contract based on user interactions. This helps display additional information for the active…


html5 and CSS3 Modern Web Forms effect

Views 21045   downloads 5943   Form

This demo using HTML5 and CSS3 to achieve great style and functionality without causing problems in less capable browsers. To be clear, this code will not look exactly the same in every browser. We are…


Super Cool Time-glider with jquery

Timeglider is a zooming, panning data-driven timeline — great for history projects, project planning, and much more. The timeline can be zoomed by dragging the vertical slider at right: up for zooming…


very simple Tooltip Plugin with jQuery

Views 5053   downloads 2580  

A simple animated hover tooltip JQuery plugin HTML <div class="your_selector"> Help‽ <div class="tooltip_description" style="display:none;" title="No worries">…


bouncing text with jQuery

Views 16158   downloads 3162   Text & Link Effects

Bouncy text is a jQuery plugin that animates text, bouncing each letter matched in the selector at random intervals. A pointless, if slightly fun method to make your page a little quirky. Here's the…


Nice CSS3 Tabbed horizontal menu

Views 17737   downloads 5324   Tabs

Support for IE7 & 8 is there but limited in that the functionality works perfectly but some of the overlay styles aren’t treated properly. If not for the wonderful and awesome CSSPIE and Dean…


Like Apple CSS3 Search Box

Views 17540   downloads 4662   Form

Apple-inspired search box or search field using CSS3 alone. The search field expands slowly when focused/clicked. This animation effect achieved purely using CSS3 transition property. Also, we have used…


Jquery and CSS3 Google Plus Style delete Animations

Views 8151   downloads 1862   Layout & Interface

Google plus given an awesome kick to user experience, specially circles UI animations. I feel it’s great and new definition to have user experience design. I have tried circle rotation animation…