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mini accordion and news scroll ticker with jQuery

Created 13 years ago   Views 23086   downloads 5178    Author mitya
mini accordion and news scroll ticker with jQuery
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This widget-esq script is at once both a news ticker and a mini accordion. It takes a config file of data (headlines, image SRCs, URLs etc) and paginates your headlines into folds. It will optionally auto-rotate through these folds, though you can navigate between them with the numeric tabs at the top right. If an item has 'more info' data set in the config, then clicking the headline will reveal that data in an accordion fashion.

Here's the code behind this example:

new Jaws({

    container: '#jawsHolder',

     title: 'latest news',

     jsonFile: '../inc/script_demos/jaws/json.json',

    itemsPerFold: 4,

     doNumbers: true


Usage and params

Create a Jaws in your page by calling new Jaws(params), where 'params' is an object of parameters including:

container (string) - a jQuery selector string targeting the container element you want to insert the Jaws into

title (string) - the title to appear at the top of your Jaws, e.g. "latest headlines"

jsonFile (string) - a filepath to a JSON-formatted data file to feed the Jaws (see data format below for info on this)

data (object) - if you want to directly pass in data to feed your Jaws, rather than loading it from a JSON file, pass it in as an object in this parameter

itemsPerFold (integer) - the number of items that should be visible without needing to scroll (i.e. this decides the height of your Jaws)

doNumbers (boolean; default: false) - if true, the items in your list will be numbered

Data format

Jaws reads JSON data. You can have it load your data either by specifying a path to a file where it's stored (see the jsonFile parameter above) or by passing in data directly as an object literal (see the data parameter above).

The format is simple, and looks like this:


         "title": "item 1 title",


         "moreInfo": {

             "info": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse laoreet hendrerit arcu",

             "image": "images/someImage.jpg"




         "title": "Item 2 title",

         "url": "#",

         "moreInfo": {

             "info": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse laoreet hendrerit arcu,",

             "image": "images/someOtherImage.jpg"





The article source: