lightweight Accordion
Include the files You need to include accordion.js but it requires prototype.js and effects.js (like I said this is for scriptaculous!). As long as you are using at least the latest stable builds you…
Multiple CSS Decorative Gallery
I will show you how to decorate your images and photo galleries without editing the source images. The trick is very simple. All you need is an extra <span> tag and apply a background image to create…
Twitter style Ajax Sign In Form with jQuery and CSS3
This is a Twitter style drop down sign in form that uses jQuery and Ajax. The form sends an Ajax request to a server script to verify the username and password. The script also includes JavaScript validation.…
Supersized – Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Features Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio No extra whitespace, no scrollbars – the entire browser window is always filled Compatible in Firefox, Safari, Opera,…
Interactive Photo Desk with jQuery and CSS3
In this little experiment we created an interactive photo desk that provides some “realistic” interaction possibilities for the user. The idea is to have some photos on a surface that can…
Very nice looking, Lightbox Gallery Picbox(jQuery)
Picbox is a lightweight (around 5KB) javascript image viewer based on the excellent Slimbox by Christophe Beyls, and available using either the jQuery frameworks. It features automatic resizing…
HoverAttribute jQuery plugin
HoverAttribute is a jQuery plugin that allows you to make (link-)elements more dynamic by making an attribute of that element show up on hovering. This is foremost intended for <a> tags residing…
Yoyo hover effect jQuery and CSS3
Haven’t you ever just wanted a yoyo on your webpage? A beautiful, animated, spinning yoyo that slides down like a real yoyo would? The HTML There is very little HTML markup, so it is pretty easy…
Star Ratings with jQuery Plugin
The existing star rating plugin for jQuery takes too much effort (client & server) so I wrote the jQuery Rater Plugin that should reduce the complexity of implementing an ajax rating scenario on the…
Simple Revolving Quotes With JQuery Plugin
Quovolver is a simple extension for jQuery that takes a group of quotes and displays them on your page in an elegant way. How to Install: Download and unzip the Quovolver files. The download contains…
a Fade Slideshow jQuery
In order to more easily access each slide from JavaScript, each slide is numbered in its id name. Then the copy is placed in a new <div> container, so that the position of the copy is easier to…
simple CSS jQuery Menu
HTML This can’t get any simpler. Just make a valid nested unordered list with a root id of “navmenu-h” (for horizontal) or “navmenu-v” (for vertical) and you are all set.…
jQuery Very Long scroll Dropdown Menus
jQuery Makes it Tick I’m going to dump the code all in here just for quick reference. I commented it, so it should be fairly easy to follow. It’s over 60 lines, but don’t worry too much,…
awesome date-pickers Mootools
Calendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements. This class is a compilation of many date-pickers I have implemented over the years and has been…
Big Multiple Images Slideshow With JQuery
jbgallery is a UI widget webpage written in javascript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single big image, multiple images, multiple galleries, slideshows, as a site's background,…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu