jQuery Speedometer
A widget for displaying a percentage through an animated needle on a speedometer image. Tested and works in Internet Explorer 7. Also tested on Firefox 3.6.3. Usage: $([selector]).speedometer([options…
like iPhone jQuery scroller Date and Time picker
A wheel scroller user control optimized for touchscreens to easily enter date and/or time. The control can easily be customized to support any custom values and can even be used as an intuitive alternative…
jQuery Super Cool Bubble Navigation
In this tutorial we are going to create a bubbly navigation with jQuery. The idea is to have some round navigation icons that release a bubble when hovering over them. We will use the jQuery Easing Plugin…
Kwicks accordion menu for jQuery
Default CSS Note that all of the examples on this page are using this as their default stylesheet /* defaults for all examples */ .kwicks { list-style: none; position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 0;…
Image Flow with jquery
ImageFlow is an unobtrusive and userfriendly JavaScript image gallery. For more information about ImageFlow read the features list, take a look at the documentation and check the blog. For anything else…
Rare Accessible charts using jQuery and HTML5
Accessible data visualization in HTML has always been tricky to achieve: people commonly use image elements for static charts, which provide only the most basic textual information to non-visual users;…
simple useful tool tip jquery plugin
The article source:http://labs.unitinteractive.com/unitip.php This tooltips supports all browsers, is easy to deploy, and is surprisingly light-weight. Best of all: it offers you the opportunity to customize…
jQuery beautiful slideshow book transition pages
turn.js is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. + Uses Hardware acceleration + Works on tablets and smartphones + Easy to manipulate…
Horizontal Accordion using the Tabs
HTML Coding Our HTML setup is similar to the basic accordion setup except that the "headers" are now images: <!-- accordion root --> <!-- 1st header and pane --> .. pane content .. <!--…
jquery elastic thumbnail menu
The HTML Quick and easy, the general framework we’ll be using goes as follows: <div id="menuwrapper"> <div id="menu"> <a href="#" class="menuitem"><img src="image.jpg"></a><!--Template…
jQuery-Horizontal Accordion
This jQuery plugin allows you to easily transform any unordered list into a horizontal menu. Currrent functionality: No dependencies Optional use of easing plugin Close and open content one after the…
thumbnail scroller with jquery
A cool jquery/css thumbnail scroller inspired by the ones made in Flash. It works on mouse over and it’s simple to configure and easy to style through css. The code for the full sized, horizontal…
JQuery Fancy lightbox alternative
FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page. Can display images, HTML elements, SWF movies, Iframes and also Ajax requests…
Supersized Slideshow jQuery Plugin
Features So, what exactly does Supersized do? Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio Cycles Images/backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and preloading Navigation…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu