Nice Pure CSS3 Slick Menu
In this article we are trying to mimic the navigation menu in Dragon Interactive website using only CSS (no images, no JavaScript). Note: This is an experimental example using the new features of…
Jquery 100-point rating system with beautiful stars
Jquery 100-point rating system, appropriate for online investigation and online vote which needs accurate rating results for reference Installation Step1:include css and js files. <script…
multiple Javascript Accordions tabs
Javascript accordians have been used a lot in todays web design world. There are a lot of scripts we have seen and sure you too would have seen them. This is a great technique for integrating accordion-style…
jQuery Advanced docking Side Menu
How Visual Studio docking functionality can be done with jQuery and unordered lists. Basically, the main goal was to implement multiple docking and undocking functionality.Similar Side Menu Effects The…
Cool JQuery and CSS3 Animation Menu
The menu is simple, but unique. Script structure: HTML: <div id="menu"> <ul id="nav"> <li> <a href="#" class="icon1"> <span>Home Page</span>…
jQuery simple Tree Menu
This is Custom Events, and the Special Events API in jQuery Web pages, for the most part, are event-driven. Libraries such as jQuery have provided helper methods to make this functionality much easier…
Animated CSS3 Horizontal Menu
Inspired by CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time from A List Apart and Using jQuery for Background Image Animations written over a year ago, I decided to create a short tutorial about a animated…
Thumbnail Effect With Zoom And Sliding Captions(jQuery )
This time with zoom and sliding caption. HTML <!-- start thumbnailWrapper div --> <div class='thumbnailWrapper'> <ul> <li> <a href='#'><img src='images/1.jpg' /></a>…
jQuery Mac dock style flexibility menu
Just about every website uses the regular navigation concepts we’re all used to. After awhile this can get pretty boring, especially for designers who thrive on creativity. While mimicking the OS…
jQuery Super Cool Vertical Scroll Menu
Create a vertical scroll menu that scroll automatically according to your mouse axis-Y movement. 1. Get mouse axis The following code will return the X and Y Axis values for your mouse pointer. <script>…
A Colorful Clock With CSS & jQuery
we are going to make a colorful jQuery & CSS clock Step 1 – XHTML As usual, we start with the XHTML markup. The difference is, that the XHTML is not contained in demo.html, but is dynamically…
jQuery styleSelect
This plugin replaces the standart select element with a custom looking selectbox. Plugin has keyboard support. Usage $("select").styleSelect(); Options Name/options Type Default optionsTop Options…
Awesome jQuery tabSwitch slideshow
tabSwitch is a tab/slider plugin for jQuery. You could make a tab box system with the least of code and still fully customizable. Currently, you could choose from 7 different effects with 2 view styles.…
Very Simple jQuery Tabs
The tab system very simple, very light and especially with a more elaborate visual transition that pass strict tab to tab. The result is a small plugin home simple to manage tabs with jQuery. Here are…
A jQuery News Ticker Effect
liScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker The markup <ul id="ticker01"> <li><span>10/10/2007</span><a href="#">The…
accordion accordion menu animation navigation animation navigation menu carousel checkbox inputs css3 css3 menu css3 navigation date picker dialog drag drop drop down menu drop down navigation menu elastic navigation form form validation gallery glide navigation horizontal navigation menu hover effect image gallery image hover image lightbox image scroller image slideshow multi-level navigation menus rating select dependent select list slide image slider menu stylish form table tabs text effect text scroller tooltips tree menu vertical navigation menu