jQuery Speedometer
A widget for displaying a percentage through an animated needle on a speedometer image. Tested and works in Internet Explorer 7. Also tested on Firefox 3.6.3.
$([selector]).speedometer([options object]);
percentage: (float/int, default: 0)
Value to display on speedometer and digital readout. Can also be specified in the selector's innerHTML.
scale: (float/int, default 100)
The value considered to be 100% on the speedometer.
limit: (boolean, default true)
Specifies that the speedometer will "break" if the value is out of bounds.
minimum: (float/int, default 0)
The lowest value the needle can go without the glass cracking.
maximum: (float/int, default 100)
The highest value the needle can go without the glass cracking.
animate: (boolean, default: true)
Specifies that the speedometer needle will animate from zero to the given value.
suffix: (string, default ' %')
A unit/string to display after the digital readout's value. Set to '' for none.
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