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multiple Text Hover Effect With jQuery

Views 14105   downloads 2034   Text & Link Effects

Not only Internet Explorer has it flaws when it comes to parsing/using the CSS file. Even though the Webkit engine is the best CSS engine out there (at the moment), I was still able to find a little bug…


CSS&jQuery;: Highlight keywords text

Views 9248   downloads 2159   Text & Link Effects

we'll come up with a solution to highlight identified keywords (using named entity recognition) inside of a chunk of user generated text. While the idea was fairly simple, the challenge was creating a…


jQuery Text with Moving Backgrounds

Views 15611   downloads 3431   Text & Link Effects

What are we going to do? We are going to create a container which has a moving background, but only a set of letters will be visible of the background. It will be as if there are holes in your container.…


jQuery Mouse Over Animation for Text

Views 12806   downloads 2013   Text & Link Effects

You can use this jQuery plugin for adding flavor to your web site. By this plugin, text messages on your site are animated on mouse over. jQuery animate function is called for each character of text.…


jQuery plugin Information board text effect

Views 14285   downloads 2055   Text & Link Effects

Airport is a rather simple text effect plugin for Jquery. It emulates the style of those flickering information boards you sometime find on airports and train stations. Airport is a very, very, very simple…


JQuery InnerFade With Images and Text

Views 15277   downloads 2713   Slideshow & Scroller

What is it? InnerFade is a small plugin for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library. It's designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images,…


jQuery plugin: Easy List Splitter

Views 8583   downloads 1479   Text & Link Effects

Easy List Splitter keeps the HTML to the minimum. No unnecessary elements or inline styles are added to the code. You’ll get a clean plain HTML with some classes that you can use as hooks to easily…


jQuery Plugin: fancy FAQs

Views 8007   downloads 2535   Text & Link Effects

This example will show you how to use jQuery in order to generate easy-to-read and eye-pleasing FAQs, with a fancy slide down effect. This script will help you enhancing both user experience and accessibility,…


HoverAttribute jQuery plugin

Views 11057   downloads 2290   Text & Link Effects

HoverAttribute is a jQuery plugin that allows you to make (link-)elements more dynamic by making an attribute of that element show up on hovering. This is foremost intended for <a> tags residing…


AnythingZoomer jQuery Plugin

Views 10534   downloads 2811   Image Effects

You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it. I’m not going to tell you what you should use it for or elaborate…


Codename Rainbows jQuery

Views 15807   downloads 2602   Text & Link Effects

We use some JavaScript and CSS magic to apply a two-color gradient to any text. Shadows and highlights can also be applied. This works especially well on big sites or dynamic content where it'd be impractical…


jQuery Text Effect Plugin

Views 8636   downloads 1500   Text & Link Effects

Some content on our pages are more important than other and we want to made him eye catching. There are lot of techniques to achieve that.  One of them is jqIsoText. With this plugin we’re…


jquery flip Text

Views 11922   downloads 1739   Text & Link Effects

Never needed to flip your text vertically? jquery.mb.flipText is a simple plug-in to turn your text vertically in both direction: top-bottom or bottom-top. It embeds an SVG object so you can use whatever…


jQuery Approach

Views 10661   downloads 1631   Text & Link Effects

Approach is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate style properties based on the cursor’s proximity to an object. It works in a very similar manner to jQuery animate, however it animates over…


3D Flying Text in jQuery

Views 12668   downloads 2432   Text & Link Effects

It’s just a matter of time before some creates a jQuery plug-in much like Papervision for Flash.  Until then the 3D experiments in jQuery continue.  Here is a example that will show you…