simple Countdown Plugin jQuery

You've probably been to sites like RapidShare and MegaUpload that allow you to download files but make you wait a specified number of seconds before giving you the download link. I've created a similar script but my script allows you to animate the CSS font-size of each second and present a reward at the end.
The jQuery JavaScript
jQuery.fn.countDown = function(settings,to) { settings = jQuery.extend({ startFontSize: '36px', endFontSize: '12px', duration: 1000, startNumber: 10, endNumber: 0, callBack: function() { } }, settings); return this.each(function() { //where do we start? if(!to && to != settings.endNumber) { to = settings.startNumber; } //set the countdown to the starting number $(this).text(to).css('fontSize',settings.startFontSize); //loopage $(this).animate({ 'fontSize': settings.endFontSize },settings.duration,'',function() { if(to > settings.endNumber + 1) { $(this).css('fontSize',settings.startFontSize).text(to - 1).countDown(settings,to - 1); } else { settings.callBack(this); } }); }); };
Sample Usage
$('#countdown').countDown({ startNumber: 10, callBack: function(me) { $(me).text('All done! This is where you give the reward!').css('color','#090'); } });
The script is very customizable and the settings are self-explanatory.
The article source:
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