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Nice Date Picker with jQuery UI Framework

Created 13 years ago   Views 31151   downloads 5106    Author filamentgroup
Nice Date Picker with jQuery UI Framework
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This plugin wraps the jQuery UI datepicker into an interactive component specifically designed for choosing date ranges.


Features and Updates

  • Uses jQuery UI 1.7.1: The range picker now uses the latest version of jQuery UI's datepicker, and allows passing of native datepicker options.
  • Date.js Integration: We've integrated the fantastic date.js library to allow for easy preset development.
  • Optional Range Advancing Arrows: Optional forward and back arrows allow a user to jump forward and backward by range duration.
  • jQuery UI CSS Framework-Driven: Our range picker uses jQuery UI CSS Framework classes, making it ThemeRoller-Ready.



<input type="text" />




Developer Options

The following options are available in this plugin:

  • presetRanges: Array of objects to be made into menu range presets. Each object requires 3 properties:
    • text: string, text for menu item
    • dateStart: date.js string, or function which returns a date object, start of date range
    • dateEnd: date.js string, or function which returns a date object, end of date range
  • presets: Object, datepicker toggle links. Available options are: 'specificDate', 'allDatesBefore', 'allDatesAfter', 'dateRange'. Each can be passed a string for link and label text. (example: presets: {specificDate: 'Pick a date'} ).
  • rangeStartTitle: string, text for label above start calendar in a range.
  • rangeEndTitle: string, text for label above end calendar in a range.
  • doneButtonText: string, text for the done/close button.
  • prevLinkText: string, text for the previous arrow (used in title attr of links as well).
  • nextLinkText: string, text for the next arrow (used in title attr of links as well).
  • earliestDate: Date.js string, earliest date allowed in system
  • latestDate: Date.js string, latest date allowed in system
  • rangeSplitter: String, character between two dates in a range.
  • dateFormat String, date formatting, see available values
  • closeOnSelect: Boolean, true will close the rangepicker when a full range is selected.
  • arrows: Boolean, true will add date range advancing arrows to input.
  • posX: int or string, left absolute position of rangepicker. Defaults to bottom left of input.
  • posY: int or string, top absolute position of rangepicker. Defaults to bottom left of input.
  • appendTo: jQuery selector or element, element to append range picker to.
  • onOpen: function, callback that executes the moment the range picker starts to open.
  • onClose: function, callback that executes when the datepicker closes.
  • onChange: function, callback that executes whenever the date input changes (can happen twice on range selections).
  • datepickerOptions: Object, accepts all jQuery UI Datepicker options. See UI datepicker options.

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