jQuery lightbox slideshow gallery

Here it is. A super clean photo gallery!
A full featured photo gallery, with navigation toolbar, thumbnails, autosize frame; you can also use it to show a public Flickr set or all public Flickr user photos.
in the header:
<script type="text/javascript" src="inc/jquery/1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/mbGallery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ //these are the default settings for the component // you can redefine this defaults or change each parameter on the component call $.fn.mbGallery.defaults={ containment:"body", cssURL:"css/", skin:"white", overlayBackground:"#333", exifData:false, //todo galleryTitle:"My Gallery", imageSelector: ".imgFull", thumbnailSelector: ".imgThumb", titleSelector: ".imgTitle", descSelector: ".imgDesc", minWidth: 300, minHeight: 200, maxWidth: 0, maxHeight: 0, fullScreen:true, addRaster:false, overlayOpacity:.5, startFrom: 0,//"random" fadeTime: 500, slideTimer: 6000, autoSlide: true, onOpen:function(){}, onBeforeClose:function(){}, onClose:function(){}, onChangePhoto:function(){} }; }); //this is a direct call on document load $('#g1').mbGallery({overlayBackground:'#f0f0f0', overlayOpacity:.8}); // this is a call attached to an event $('#galleryOpener') .bind("click", function(){ $('#g1').mbGallery({overlayBackground:'#f0f0f0', overlayOpacity:.8}); }); </script>
in the body:
<div id="g1" class="galleryCont"> <a class="imgThumb" href="gallery1/LR/01.jpg"></a> <a class="imgFull" href="gallery1/HR/01.jpg"></a> <div class="imgDesc">Description 01</div> <a class="imgThumb" href="gallery1/LR/02.jpg"></a> <a class="imgFull" href="gallery1/HR/02.jpg"></a> <div class="imgDesc">Description 02</div> <a class="imgThumb" href="gallery1/LR/03.jpg"></a> <a class="imgFull" href="gallery1/HR/03.jpg"></a> <div class="imgDesc">Description 03</div> <a class="imgThumb" href="gallery1/LR/04.jpg"></a> <a class="imgFull" href="gallery1/HR/04.jpg"></a> <div class="imgDesc">Description 04</div> <a class="imgThumb" href="gallery1/LR/05.jpg"></a> <a class="imgFull" href="gallery1/HR/05.jpg"></a> <div class="imgDesc">Description 05</div> </div>
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