jQuery mousewheel Knob effect

jQuery Knob
- canvas based ; no png or jpg sprites.
- touch, mousewheel, keyboard events implemented.
- downward compatible ; overloads an input element.
<input type="text" value="75" class="dial">
<script> $(function() { $(".dial").knob(); } </script>
Options are provided as attributes 'data-option':
<input type="text" class="dial" data-min="-50" data-max="50">
or in the "knob()" call :
$(".dial").knob({ 'min':-50 ,'max':50 })
The following options are supported :
Behaviors :
- min : min value || default=0.
- max : max value || default=100.
- stopper : stop at 0 & 100 on keydown/mousewheel || default=true.
- readOnly : disable input and events.
- angleOffset: change the 0 position of the knob (in degree), || default=0.
UI :
- cursor : display mode "cursor" | default=gauge.
- thickness : gauge thickness.
- width : dial width.
- displayInput : default=true | false=hide input.
- displayPrevious : default=false | true=displays the previous value with transparency.
- fgColor : foreground color.
- bgColor : background color.
- ticks : number of ticks | 0=disable.
- tickColor.
- tickLength.
- tickWidth.
- tickColorizeValues : colorize ticks.
- skin : default | "tron".
Read more:https://github.com/aterrien/jQuery-Knob
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