multiple Javascript Accordions tabs

Javascript accordians have been used a lot in todays web design world. There are a lot of scripts we have seen and sure you too would have seen them.
This is a great technique for integrating accordion-style menus into your site.
the script is one of the smallest accordion script which is extremely simple and easy to integrate. Does’nt require any framework and fully cross-browser compatible.
- The SMALLEST Accordion Javascript ( 1,149 bytes )
- Easy Integration.
- Does’nt require any Framework.
- Can be used as a Tab system ( sample in the demo )
- Fully Cross-Browser Compatible
- Source Files Included.
Below is the snippet to control the accordion.
<body onload=”new Accrodian(’my-menu’,5,’heighlight’);”>
which is in form of:
<body onload=”new Accordian(’container of your accordion’,speed,’highlighted accordion class name’);”>
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