jQuery calendar Picker

This component is a light-weight calendar/date-picker.
Some features:
- supports internationalization (supports do not necessary means it is implemented:-) )
- supports changing current date
- supports mouse wheel scrolling
- supporting (deferred) callback on date selection
- supports variable number of years, months and days
- supports next/prev arrows
The basic usage will looks like:
Of course you will probably need to do something with selected date.
In this case the callback function will help you:
var dateSelector; $(function(){ dateSelector=$("#calendarFilterBox").calendarPicker({callback:function(cal){ alert(cal.currentDate); }}); });
A function will allow to change the current date. For instance to set date to today:
dateSelector.changeDate(new Date());
A more comprehensive example with names customization will looks like:
$(function(){ dateSelector=$("#calendarFilterBox").calendarPicker({ monthNames:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], dayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], useWheel:true, callbackDelay:500, years:1, months:3, days:4, showDayArrows:false, callback:function(cal){ $("#mydate").html(cal.currentDate+""); }}); });
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