jQuery UI Spinner - numeric stepper

The following events fire when interacting with the Spinner via keyboard or mouse:
- spinup - during value increment.
- spindown - during value decrement.
- spin - during value increment/decrement.
- spinchange - when increment/decrement finishes.
To handle any of the above custom events simply bind them to the Spinner.
Example HTML:
<input type="text" id="#s1" />
Example [removed]
// Initialize the Spinner on #s1 if not done so already. $('#s1').spinner(); // Handle the Spinner change event. $('#s1').bind('spinchange', function(event, ui) { // Place your code here. });
When the Spinner is in focus the following keyboard interactions become available:
- UP - spin up.
- DOWN - spin down.
- HOME - to minimum (if specified) or back to start.
- END - to maximum (if specified).
- TAB - move focus inside spinner.
The Spinner automatically applies the following CSS classes to specific elements:
- ui-spinner - the spinner's encasing.
- ui-spinner-disabled - indicates the spinner is in a disabled state.
- ui-spinner-box - the container holding the value.
- ui-spinner-up - the increment button
- ui-spinner-down - the decrement button
- ui-spinner-pressed - indicates a button is in the pressed state.
- ui-spinner-list - for DOM lists.
- ui-spinner-listitem - for DOM list items.
So as an example if your mark-up looks like this:
<input type="text" id="s1" value="10" />
The generated mark-up ends up like this:
<div class="ui-spinner"> <input class="ui-spinner-box" type="text" id="s1" value="10" autocomplete="off" /> <button class="ui-spinner-up" type="button">▲</button> <button class="ui-spinner-down" type="button">▼</button> </div>
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