Fancy checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery

Add js and css files
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./radio-checkbox_files/style.css"> <SCRIPT src=""></SCRIPT>
Add html
<FORM action="#" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8"> <FIELDSET class="checkboxes"> <LABEL class="label_check" for="checkbox-01"><INPUT name="sample-checkbox-01" id="checkbox-01" value="1" type="checkbox" checked=""> I agree to the terms & conditions.</LABEL> <LABEL class="label_check" for="checkbox-02"><INPUT name="sample-checkbox-02" id="checkbox-02" value="1" type="checkbox"> Please send me regular updates.</LABEL> </FIELDSET> <FIELDSET class="radios"> <LABEL class="label_radio r_on" for="radio-01"><INPUT name="sample-radio" id="radio-01" value="1" type="radio" checked=""> This is option A...</LABEL> <LABEL class="label_radio" for="radio-02"><INPUT name="sample-radio" id="radio-02" value="2" type="radio"> and this is option B...</LABEL> <LABEL class="label_radio" for="radio-03"><INPUT name="sample-radio" id="radio-03" value="3" type="radio"> or simply choose option C</LABEL> </FIELDSET> </FORM>
Add javascript
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function setupLabel() { if ($('.label_check input').length) { $('.label_check').each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('c_on'); }); $('.label_check input:checked').each(function(){ $(this).parent('label').addClass('c_on'); }); }; if ($('.label_radio input').length) { $('.label_radio').each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('r_on'); }); $('.label_radio input:checked').each(function(){ $(this).parent('label').addClass('r_on'); }); }; }; $(document).ready(function(){ $('.label_check, .label_radio').click(function(){ setupLabel(); }); setupLabel(); }); </SCRIPT>
Tag: custom checkbox, custom radio
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