Reel images 360°3D view jQuery plugin

An image is worth a thousand words. And what about the moving one!
Try reel for yourself. Place your mouse pointer over images above. And roll your mouse wheel up/down or drag the image left/right.
How to?
- You obviously have an image you want to make interactive in your HTML document.
- Collect all rotation frames into a single reel sprite OR stitch them together
- Link jquery.reel.js in your document.
- And on the image use the jQuery method:
Some examples with an IMG tag id "my_image": This will simply make it reel:
Don't have 36 frames? 27, you say? No problem:
$('#my_image').reel({ frames: 27 })
Want to use your own CSS class? There's an option for just that:
$('#my_image').reel({ klass: 'MyThreeSixty' })
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