Usefu jQuery Svbtle style kudos

Dustin Kurtis came up with an excellent idea for the Svbtle blogging network (go visit to see an example). He called them Kudos. They're little widgets next to each post that enable users to give "Kudos" to posts they really like. You hover over the widget, it gives a fun little animation, and changes the icon and count after a moment.
See the index.html example for information
<figure class="kudo kudoable" data-id="1"> <a class="kudobject"> <div class="opening"> <div class="circle"> </div> </div> </a> <a href="#kudo" class="count"> <span class="num">0</span> <span class="txt">Kudos</span> </a> </figure>
$(function() { // initialize the kudoer $("figure.kudo").kudoable(); }); // bind to events on the kudos $("figure.kudo").on("kudo:added", function(event) { var element = $(this); var id ='id'); // send the data to your server... console.log("Kudod", element); });
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