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Parallax Scrolling Website with jQuery

Created 11 years ago   Views 18133   downloads 4347    Author tutsplus
Parallax Scrolling Website with jQuery
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One of the biggest trends in recent modern web design is use of parallax scrolling effects. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how you can create the effect on your own website, with a bit of imagination and a little help from Stellar.js.


The parallax scrolling effect has been popular ever since sites such as Nike’s Better World introduced it on their websites a few years ago. The parallax effect with regard to interfaces has been around since the 1980′s when it was first used in video game titles and subsequently in games themselves. More recently it started to make an appearance in web interfaces – you’ll be familiar with silverbackapp which used the effect as part of the header.

When combined with the scrolling functionality of a website, parallax scrolling effects can have a strong visual impact, especially when combined with some form of story which takes you on a journey.

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