A Simple jQuery Tooltip
Quick Facts
- Easy to use
- Choice of fixed, on click or follow mouse tooltip
- Highly customizable
- Compatable with Firefox 2.5+, Safari, Opera, Chrome and Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8
Start off by including jQuery as well as the aToolTip plugin
<!-- Include the needed js files-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/atooltip.jquery.js"></script>
Initiate the plugin
// initiate the plugin after DOM has loaded
// basic usage
// fixed tooltip
fixed: true
// on click tooltip with custom content
clickIt: true,
tipContent: 'Hello I am aToolTip with content from param'
// List of all paramaters and their default values:
clickIt: false, // set to true for click activated tooltip
closeTipBtn: 'aToolTipCloseBtn', // you can set custom class name for close button on tooltip
fixed: false, // Set true to activate fixed position
inSpeed: 400, // Speed tooltip fades in
outSpeed: 100, // Speed tooltip fades out
tipContent: '', // Pass in content or it will use objects 'title' attribute
toolTipClass: 'aToolTip', // Set custom class for tooltip
xOffset: 5, // x Position
yOffset: 5 // y position
Basic HTML markup used in the demos
<!-- Here is the markup for the 3 examples-->
<a href="#" class="normalTip" title="Hello, I am aToolTip">Normal Tooltip</a>
<a href="#" class="fixedTip" title="Hello, I am aToolTip">Fixed Tooltip</a>
<a href="#" class="clickTip">On Click Tooltip</a>
What does the tooltip markup look like?
<!-- the tooltip markup looks like this
<div class="aToolTip">
<p class="aToolTipContent">Your tooltip content</p>
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