Jquery Horizontal Slide Navigation

This is a spectacular sliding navigation whose animation is triggered when the user hovers over a navigation item.
HTML Structures
<ul> <li><a href="#" title="" class="home"><p><strong>Title</strong><br />Detail</p></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="" class="blog"><p><strong>Title</strong><br />Detail</p></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="" class="services"><p><strong>Title</strong><br />Detail</p></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="" class="portfolio"><p><strong>Title</strong><br />Detail</p></a></li> </ul>
body{ font:italic 0.8em/0.8em Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color:#999; padding:50px; text-align:center; background:white; } ul{ list-style: none; margin:10px 0px; padding: 0; } ul li{ padding: 0px; margin:0 2px 0 0; list-style:none; display:inline; } ul li a{ display: inline-block!important; overflow: hidden; height: 90px; line-height:90px; width: 128px; white-space:nowrap; text-align:left; } ul li a p { padding:0 0 0 135px; line-height:normal; } ul li a p strong { font-size:24px; color:#336600; } ul li a.home { background:url(images/chazzuka.jpg) top left no-repeat; } ul li a.blog { background:url(images/blog.jpg) top left no-repeat; } ul li a.services { background:url(images/services.jpg) top left no-repeat; } ul li a.portfolio { background:url(images/portfolio.jpg) top left no-repeat; }
$(function(){ /* */ $("ul li a").each(function(){ $(this).hover(function(){ $(this).animate({width: "400px"}, {queue:false, duration:450}); },function() { $(this).animate({width: "128px"}, {queue:false, duration:450}); }); }); });
Ofcourse you need to load jquery library before javascript block above, and you can have easing effect on it as well, for that you need to load jquery easing plugin before the javascript block, to have the easing effects you need to change the javascript block as below:
$(function(){ $("ul li a").each(function(){ $(this).hover(function(){ $(this).animate({width: "400px"}, {queue:false, duration:450,easing:'easing_on_mousein'}); },function() { $(this).animate({width: "128px"}, {queue:false, duration:450,easing:'easing_on_mouseout'}); }); }); });
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