jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin

Default options:
cancelHint: 'cancel this rating!' The hint information. cancelOff: 'cancel-off.png' Name of the cancel image off. cancelOn: 'cancel-on.png' Name of the cancel image on. cancelPlace: 'left' Position of the cancel button. hintList: ['bad', 'poor', 'regular', 'good', 'gorgeous'] List of names that will be used as a hint on each star. number: 5 Number of stars that will be presented. path: 'img/' Path where are the images of the stars. readOnly: false If the stars will be read-only. scoreName: 'score' Name of the hidden field that holds the score value. showCancel: false If will be showed a button to cancel the rating. showHalf: false If will show half star if come a float number as score. starHalf: 'star-half.png' The name of the half star image. start: 0 Number of stars to be selected. starOff: 'star-off.png' Name of the star image off. starOn: 'star-on.png' Name of the star image on. //onClick: function() { alert('clicked!'); } Function that returns the selected value.
Public functions: *
$.fn.raty.start(3); Starting the rating with 3 stars later. Half star not supported. $.fn.raty.readOnly(true); Adjusts the rating for read-only later. $.fn.raty.click(2); Click in the star number 2 later. * Should come after the current raty and before the anothers one. Because it takes the last called raty.
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