Drop down TabMenu with AJAX

e24TabMenu is a plugin written for scriptaculous. It is a tab menu that expands collapse smoothly.
Include Prototype and Scriptaculous 1.8.1 in the HTML code header. Also include e24TabMenu after both:
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/prototype.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/e24tabmenu.js'></script>
Next, write the necesary HTML code to define de menu. We will need a container layer (“menu” on the example) and inside the container we will have a layer for each menu item where we will add its content. After that, add links (html tag “A”) for each menu’s tab, the “rel” attribute value must be e24menuitem[layer_id] where layer_id is the id of the content layer (on the example “ítem_3d”, “ítem_gall”, “ítem_menu”, “ítem_efec”). Bellow the links we can add contents that will show when all tabs are collapsed.
<div id="menu" ><!---menu container--> <div id="item_3d" class="menutarget"> Contenido</div> <div id="item_gall" class="menutarget"> Contenido</div> <div id="item_menu" class="menutarget"> Contenido</div> <div id="item_efec" class="menutarget"> Contenido</div> <!---tabs del menu--> <a id="3d" href="#3d" rel="e24menuitem[item_3d]"><img src="img/3d.gif" alt="Efectos 3D" /></a> <a id="gall" href="#galerias" rel="e24menuitem[item_gall]"><img src="img/galerias.gif" alt="Galeria de fotos AJAX" /></a> <a id="menus" href="#menus" rel="e24menuitem[item_menu]" ><img src="img/menus.gif" alt="Efectos de Menus" /></a> <a id="efec" href="#efectos" rel="e24menuitem[item_efec]"><img src="img/efectos.gif" alt="Otros efectos ajax" /></a> <!---tabs del menu--> <div id="maincontent"> Contenido principal</div> <!--texto--></div> <!--menu container-->
Finally we write the necesary javascript code to define the menu. As first param we will pass the container layer id , and as second param an option’s array.
oe24TabMenu = new e24TabMenu( 'menu', { duration: 1.0, transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal } );
- duration: Decimal, representing the time in seconds that will take the menu item movement. Default value: 1.0
- transition: Function that modifies each animation’s point: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal (default), Effect.Transitions.linear, Effect.Transitions.reverse, Effect.Transitions.wobble, Effect.Transitions.flicker
- callback: callback function that will be processed once the animation is complete. It is useful to concatenate animations.
toggleMenu: Toggles the tab. Requieres the object reference of the corresponding link.
The article source:http://www.flash-free.org/en/2008/04/05/e24tabmenu-%E2%80%93-menu-desplegable-ajax/
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