cool jQuery animation effect gallery

Today we would like to show you how to create a modern gallery (with cool animation effect) using Raphael library and jQuery.
Create three files: index.html, default.css, init.js and download Raphael library. Then include all files in your head section:
<link href="css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/raphael.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/init.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Let's begin with lay down a simple HTML markup.
<div class="gallery"> <ul class="reset"> <li><img src="img/img1.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img2.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img3.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img4.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img5.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img6.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img7.jpg" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/img8.jpg" alt=""></li> </ul> </div>
We are creating main container called 'gallery', which holds unordered list with images. All images have size 400px on 400px.
ul.reset, ul.reset li { display:block; list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } .gallery ul li { width:200px; /* a half of image width */ height:200px; /* a half of image height */ margin:0 10px 10px 0; float:left; position:relative; } .holder { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; margin:-100px 0 0 -100px; /* margin-left: a half of 'li' width and margin-top: a half of 'li' height */ }
As you see, it is very short style file. I give you a free hand!
$(function(){ var li = $('.gallery').find('li'); // find all 'li' elements li.each(function(i){ var t = $(this), img = t.find('img'), // find image in 'li' element src = img.attr('src'), // get path to your image width = li.width(), // get 'li' width height = li.height(); // get 'li' height img.hide().after($('<div>').attr('id', 'holder'+i).addClass('holder')); // hide all images and create containers for Raphael objects var r = Raphael('holder'+i, width*2, height*2), // create Raphael objects rimg = r.image(src, width/2, height/2, width, height); // create new images using previous variables rimg.hover(function(event) { this.animate({ scale: 2, // enlarge your images to the normal size rotation : 360 }, 1200, 'elastic'); }, function (event) { this.animate({ scale: 1, // decrease size of images rotation : 0 }, 1200, 'elastic'); }); }); li.hover(function(){ li.css({ 'z-index': 1 }); // set z-index to all 'li' elements $(this).css({ 'z-index': 2 }); // set z-index to the hovering element }); });
That's it!
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