Custom jQuery form Selectbox

Replaces the standard HTML form selectbox with a custom looking selectbox. Allows for disable, multiselect, scrolling, and very customizable.
// SIMPLE USAGE $(".exampleDiv").custSelectBox(); //ADVANCED USAGE $(".exampleDiv").custSelectBox({ isscrolling: true, scrollminitems: 5, scrollheight: 100, preopenselect: true, openspeed: "slow", isdisabled: false, selectwidth: 150 });
@param isscrolling: false, //scrolls long lists @param scrollminitems: 15, //items before scrolling @param scrollheight: 150, //height of scrolling window @param preopenselect: true, //opens prechecked select boxes @param hoverstyle: "hover", //css hover style name @param openspeed: "normal", //open speed "slow","normal","fast" or numbers 1000 @param alldisabled: false, //disables all the selectbox @param selectwidth: "auto", //set width of selectbox @param wrappername: ".select_wrap" //class name of the wrapper tag
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