jQuery custom dropdown image combobox

Feature at glance:
- Fully Skin-able
- Your original dropdown is safe, so your form post will not be messed.
- An image can be inserted with your text. Each <option> can have an image.
- You may covert all combobox as image combobox, you may convert by id, multiple ids, or by wild card. We'll see that in example.
- Its possible to repopulate the data. You can also Enabled/Disabled your dropdown. Now with the object control.
- Almost all events are working.
Current Version: 2.3
Whats new feature in Image DropDown v2.3?
- Each dropdown can have own properties. This was missing badly in previous version.
- W3C Compatible
- More Organised
- True Jquery Plugin
- Keyboard navigation
- Multiple selection (List)
- Event Chaining
- Multiple skin on single page
- CSS Sprite for icons
- Object Oriented approach
- Open/Close via object
- Add/Remove via object
- Enabled/Disable via object
- You can set almost all properties via object
- It's FREE again :)
Jquery 1.2.6 or later.
This jQuery plugin works perfectly without any modification. Just follow the instruction and enjoy!
1. How to use (HTML Part)?
1.1 Have a look at original dropdown.
<select name="webmenu" id="webmenu" onchange="showValue(this.value)"> <option value="calendar">Calendar</option> <option value="shopping_cart">Shopping Cart</option> <option value="cd">CD</option> <option value="email" selected="selected">Email</option> <option value="faq">FAQ</option> <option value="games">Games</option> </select>
Yes, This is a normal dropdown but I've added image path in "title" attribute.
<select name="webmenu" id="webmenu" onchange="showValue(this.value)"> <option value="calendar" title="icons/icon_calendar.gif">Calendar</option> <option value="shopping_cart" title="icons/icon_cart.gif">Shopping Cart</option> <option value="cd" title="icons/icon_cd.gif">CD</option> <option value="email" selected="selected" title="icons/icon_email.gif">Email</option> <option value="faq" title="icons/icon_faq.gif">FAQ</option> <option value="games" title="icons/icon_games.gif">Games</option> </select>
2. How to use (Script Part)?
2.1 You need to add following code in "header".
<script src="msdropdown/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="msdropdown/js/jquery.dd.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="msdropdown/dd.css" />
2.2 One more step and you are done :) Add following code anywhere in the "body".
<script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(e) { try { $("body select").msDropDown(); } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }); </script>
You are done. That's It.
Know more about Image Dropdown
Make dropdown by Id's
Yes, That's possible. You can make custom dropdown by ids. Lets have a look.
// target only one id $("#combo2").msDropDown(); // target multiple ids $("#combo1, #combo2").msDropDown(); //by wild card $("body select").msDropDown(); //or $("#divid select").msDropDown(); //or $("#formid select").msDropDown();
Method & Properties:
//convert normal combobox to image comboxbox 1. $("#comboboxid").msDropDown(); //Show/hide icon on title bar. by default its "true"; 2. $("#combo1").msDropDown({showIcon:false}); //Use inline style 3. $("#combo1").msDropDown({style:'background-color:#333, font-size:24px'}); //Visible rows (it would be good if you enter "rowHeight" when using "visibleRows"); 4. $("#combo1").msDropDown({visibleRows:5, rowHeight:23}); 5. $("#combo1").msDropDown({onInit:'callinitmethod'}); //this method will be called when your dropdown is initialized.
How to change skin?
Smile :) ...CSS (dd.css) is yours, play with that. Just keep few things in mind. Please don't change "display, float and overflow" properties. Have Fun!
//Multiple skin on same page $("#comboboxid").msDropDown({mainCSS:'dd2'}); //dd2 is your main CSS $("#comboboxid2").msDropDown(); //dd is default;
Object Oriented Approach
var oDD = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oDD.add(new option({text:'lorem', value:'lorem'})); // behavior is same as original dropdown. //or oDD.add({text:'lorem', value:'lorem', title:'images/ok.gif'}); //will add icon too.
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.open(); //open dropdown
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.close(); //close dropdown
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.add(option, [index]); //add new option
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.remove(index); //remove options
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.form(); //Returns form name
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.set(property, value); //set property
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.get([property]); //get property - get all properties without passing any argument.
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.item([index]); //Returns option item
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.namedItem(nm); //Returns the the named option item from a <select> element.
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.visible([true,false]); //Set or get the visible property
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.disabled(true|false); //Set the disabled property
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.multiple([true|false]); //Set or get the multiple property
var oHandler = $('#comboboxid').msDropDown().data("dd"); oHandler.size([true|false]); //Set or get the size property
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